"COCK OF THE NORTH" Scottish Pipe Tune on Dulcimer

musician/member name: People & Blogs
Duration: 00:02:39
Duration: 00:02:39
Built for me in 1974 by Terry L. Watson this Dulcimer has been my constant companion. I spent years hitchhiking it. Terry said the head stock is supposed to be a "Middle Earth Mushroom Tree" and the sound holes are my initials G and S. Walnut with Spruce top.
Really sweet, Gregg! Loved your hummel, also - reminds me of hobbits, Lord of the Rings, Middle Earth stuff. I used to be from Arcadia, the top of Santa Anita Blvd., just below the Chantry Flats Wilderness area. Just gave away my old Mike Rugg "Celtic Collection for Dulcimer" vinyl. A sad parting, but no more record player, sigh . . . . .
Santa Anita & Sierra Madre so real near where you were.
Really sweet, Gregg! Loved your hummel, also - reminds me of hobbits, Lord of the Rings, Middle Earth stuff. I used to be from Arcadia, the top of Santa Anita Blvd., just below the Chantry Flats Wilderness area. Just gave away my old Mike Rugg "Celtic Collection for Dulcimer" vinyl. A sad parting, but no more record player, sigh . . . . .
Very nice, it sounded like a bagpipe. Amazing
Very nice playing and nice sounding dulcimer!
Hi Gregg. I enjoyed your song very much. That's a sweet sounding and beautiful one of a kind dulcimer you have there.
Very nice playing and very nice dulcimer!
I obviously don't have to tell you that you have an absolutely lovely sounding instrument. You play beautifully. Thank you.
Gregg, that is a unique and very beautiful dulcimer, nice playing I enjoyed the song.