Y'all are a mess! I just saw all the comments. John Henry... I did teach a simplified "Nonesuch" in the advanced class that afternoon. Lisa... it was a great beginner's class; in fact, both classes I taught at Pattyfest were great. Best group of students I've had in a while (with a couple of exceptions) .
Oh and the fish was bigger than that. That's how far away from the boat it was when it broke the line.
You'al wanna get one with a VSL about this length , OK for noter drone, (big sigh) , but never in a monrh of Sundays will you be able to follow my chord tabs for 'Nonsuch' aka Roger Nicholson !!!
06/06/15 10:48:08PM @robin-thompson:
Could be, Jim! Since it was a fish story, I'm thinking Noah figured into it. . . Well, I could be mistaken since whales are mammals! :)
Y'all are a mess! I just saw all the comments. John Henry... I did teach a simplified "Nonesuch" in the advanced class that afternoon. Lisa... it was a great beginner's class; in fact, both classes I taught at Pattyfest were great. Best group of students I've had in a while (with a couple of exceptions)
Oh and the fish was bigger than that. That's how far away from the boat it was when it broke the line.
You'al wanna get one with a VSL about this length
, OK for noter drone, (big sigh)
, but never in a monrh of Sundays will you be able to follow my chord tabs for 'Nonsuch' aka Roger Nicholson
would have loved to have been there !
Or..."I had a Dulcimer this big" and it took 2 play it.
"The fish I caught was...this much smaller than I tell everyone."
The fish I caught was...this far from the bank.
Could be, Jim! Since it was a fish story, I'm thinking Noah figured into it. . . Well, I could be mistaken since whales are mammals! :)
That looks like a great class!
Perfectly timed photo.
A bit Pentecostal, maybe?
Rev. Rob is preaching about dulcimers! :)Way cool, Rob.
Oh really, that big?
"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."