Jim Fawcett


Location: Cowansburg, PA
Country: US

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02/20/24 05:54:13PM @davisjames:


This tune is perfect for noter playing- very traditional- is it a hymn?

Jim your dulcimer here has the most wonderful slide-y sliver tone... like water flowing over rocks.

  the best description of certain kinds of dulcimer playing I've ever heard-there's a song or tune in there"water flowing over rocks".

Robin Thompson
06/25/19 03:44:41PM @robin-thompson:

Jim, somehow I missed this back in '17-- and really enjoyed hearing this in '19!  Your posting got me doing a little looking and found this link: 


Steven Berger
06/25/19 11:37:55AM @steven-berger:

Well played, Jim!

06/25/19 06:03:19AM @ukgb:

Sounds very similar to 'Drover's Reel'  aka 'McCarty'  ...

Jim Fawcett
06/24/19 08:22:57PM @jim-fawcett:

Thanks @Bill-S and @Nick-Sherwood it's been a while since I've played that tune. Jogged my memory again.

Bill S
06/24/19 07:45:48PM @bill-s:

Lovely sound and song, Jim.


Nick Sherwood
06/24/19 06:57:20PM @nick-sherwood:

What a lovely, lilting melody.

Jim Fawcett
02/02/17 05:53:13AM @jim-fawcett:

 Thanks, Lisa. I don't believe it is a hymn. 

02/01/17 11:07:49PM @strumelia:

This tune is perfect for noter playing- very traditional- is it a hymn?

Jim your dulcimer here has the most wonderful slide-y sliver tone... like water flowing over rocks.