Jim Fawcett


Location: Cowansburg, PA
Country: US

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Grandma's In The Cellar

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Duration: 00:01:36
Cripple Creek Dulcimer Tuned DAA Fun little ditty to play. Hope I did it justice.
Jim Fawcett
07/16/14 08:32:38PM @jim-fawcett:

Renee, I have four strings on this one, but nevertheless. Just fretting the melody string. Thanks for watching.113.gif

Jim Fawcett
03/14/14 06:03:12AM @jim-fawcett:

Glad ya liked the tune, Helen. Grandma likes the cellar a lot. She never wants to come out...LOL

Jim Fawcett
03/13/14 03:11:26AM @jim-fawcett:

Thanks Janene, glad ya liked it.

Janene Millen
03/12/14 10:48:37PM @janene-millen:

that does look like FUN

Jim Fawcett
03/09/14 05:31:28PM @jim-fawcett:

Thanks,Carrie. Grandma like it down there too much...lol

Jim Fawcett
03/08/14 11:12:36PM @jim-fawcett:

Thanks, Rob. Glad ya liked it.

Rob N Lackey
03/08/14 11:03:06PM @rob-n-lackey:

Lordy, can't you smell her, baking biscuits in that darned ole greasy stove

You done good Jim

Jim Fawcett
03/08/14 10:33:02PM @jim-fawcett:

Thanks Robin and JK, for the thumbs 113.gif up with Grandma.

Robin, a hug for Bev I can do, no worries.

Robin Thompson
03/08/14 10:23:55PM @robin-thompson:
It's a jolly tune so has me thinking the old girl must still be spry and liking the cellar arrangement. :) Nice job, Jim!PS- Please give Bev a hug from me!
John Keane
03/08/14 06:32:27AM @john-keane:

Jim, ya done good! Smile.gif

Jim Fawcett
03/08/14 06:17:55AM @jim-fawcett:

She like her cellar, Marion...Thanks for listening, Marion.

Jim Fawcett
03/08/14 06:16:10AM @jim-fawcett:

Dusty, It is a shame what's going on with Cripple Creek Dulcimer Shop. Built mine as a kit back in 07. I think it has a sweet sound to it. Maybe Grandma has laced her biscuits with something?106.gif

Dusty Turtle
03/07/14 10:08:32PM @dusty:

Come on, everyone, Grandma's bottlin' up some 'shine! That's why the tune has such an upbeat, frolicking feel.

Nice playing, Jim! And it's nice to hear a Cripple Creek given all the problems people have had with them recently.

Jim Fawcett
03/07/14 09:00:00PM @jim-fawcett:

Thanks Lisa.

03/07/14 08:51:42PM @strumelia:

I feel like I'm right there, sittin on the couch Jim. Love the ending.

Jim Fawcett
03/07/14 08:08:33PM @jim-fawcett:

Thanks, Geekling. Glad ya liked it. It was fun to do.

Jim Fawcett
03/07/14 03:37:27PM @jim-fawcett:

Ken, thanks for your kind words. As far as I know that's what Grandma tells me what she's doing down there. I'm not gonna cross Grandma118.gif 68.gif

Ken Backer
03/07/14 03:22:17PM @ken-backer:

Great rendition and playing, Jim. Made we want to get up and do some clog dancing.
Now, as Patty inquired, what is Grandma REALLY doing in the celler???

Patty from Virginia
03/07/14 12:13:12PM @patty-from-virginia:

Don't think I want to eat them Jim, LOLGrin.gif

Jim Fawcett
03/07/14 12:11:44PM @jim-fawcett:

Glad ya liked it Ken.