Jim Fawcett


Location: Cowansburg, PA
Country: US

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Beginners Gray Cat Concert

musician/member name:
Duration: 00:01:37
Frank and I gave a beginners class at the Wartz n All Spring Gathering at Alpine Lake Resort in Terra Alta, WV. Here they are, scared, but doing a fine job. ...
John W. McKinstry
02/01/16 07:20:31AM @john-w-mckinstry:

Thanks for the concert.  I am going to sit right-down and join you. Such fun.

Ken Backer
03/30/15 12:57:48PM @ken-backer:

The beginners did well on that ol' gray cat.

Patty from Virginia
03/29/15 08:02:06PM @patty-from-virginia:

Excellent job, Jim, Frank!!! Your students did a wonderful job.

Frank Ross
03/29/15 07:50:06PM @frank-ross:

Jim and I had a good time with the beginners. I think both sides learned something. Yes I think there was some stage fright but a good time was had by all.

Jim Fawcett
03/29/15 04:30:14PM @jim-fawcett:

Glad to jog your memory, Helen.

Robin Thompson
03/29/15 03:53:38PM @robin-thompson:
Yay, beginners! I''m sure you & Frank are proud of your group and how well they did, Jim!
Jim Fawcett
03/29/15 03:43:13PM @jim-fawcett:

I agree, Lisa, but they did have a good time. That' counts for a lot. Just couldn't have them sitting and not joining in.They lose interest if no one helps them.

03/29/15 03:23:46PM @strumelia:
That's great- no fear necessary! :) The only thing would be to have a percussion beat someplace so everyone can stay together in rhythm more easily. Maybe a bodhran, or even just a hard shoe tapping. Great job everyone!
Lexie R Oakley
03/29/15 03:18:38PM @lexie-r-oakley:
Love that the new folks played in DAA, good for you Frank n Jim.