Jim Fawcett


Location: Cowansburg, PA
Country: US

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Flow Gently, Sweet Afton

musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:01:47
Played on my Cripple Creek dulcimer tuned DAA, played noter drone style.
I took advantage of what might be the last day of playing out on my porch.
John W. McKinstry
01/25/16 03:08:59PM @john-w-mckinstry:

Thanks Jim,  A Very relaxing song. The dulcimer  really reminded me of the British Isles.

Ken Backer
11/22/15 09:34:39AM @ken-backer:

Good playing. Jim.  Flow Gently "creak" Sweet Afton "woof".  Nice to see you posting a video.

Jim Fawcett
11/22/15 06:55:58AM @jim-fawcett:

Thanks everyone for your kind remarks. I've been wanting to do this song for a long time. The porch just seemed like the right place to do it.

11/21/15 06:27:54AM @sam:

Jim this is strange for me. I had heard and recognize the title of this song but had never heard it. So glad you shared it with us. I'll have to listen several times and catch the melody. I like this a lot and think it's a wonderful tune especially for DAA and noter. 

Robin Thompson
11/20/15 08:06:21PM @robin-thompson:

Jim, your noter work is so smooth!  Pretty tune to play on a pretty day! 

Lexie R Oakley
11/20/15 12:26:48PM @lexie-r-oakley:

That is a beautiful song and looks fun noting it....your noter is so smooth, I am going to learn to play it with you Jim....well done and thanks.

Gail Webber
11/20/15 12:14:11PM @gail-webber:

Very nice, Jim.  You do such a good job with that noter.


Christine Shoemaker
11/20/15 10:46:16AM @christine-shoemaker:

Nice playing Jim! Thanks for sharing! 

Jim Fawcett
11/20/15 06:14:44AM @jim-fawcett:

Thanks Terry. Always a pleasure to motivate someone into playing noter/drone style.


Terry Wilson
11/19/15 07:24:50PM @terry-wilson:

Jim, I liked your sing a lot.  Beautiful tone.  Your video motivated me to go play with a noter.  Sweet sweet swret.



Jim Fawcett
11/19/15 06:28:19PM @jim-fawcett:

Thank you so much, Lisa. That's Abby's favorite spot to lay while I'm on the swing.

11/19/15 04:33:33PM @strumelia:

Very pretty Jim, and the doggie and swing add to the coziness.

That's some mighty smooth noter work...it really flows, just like the song title. 

Jim Fawcett
11/19/15 03:25:45PM @jim-fawcett:

Thanks, Rob and Gordon. 

No snow here yet Gordon. It's 61 here and the porch swing was just begging for one last tune for the year.

Gordon Hardy
11/19/15 03:18:20PM @gordon-hardy:

That is a beauty, Jim. Thank you. It's been a few weeks since I could play out on my porch. We've got about 4 inches of snow laying on the ground. Looks like winter wants to stay for a while.

Rob N Lackey
11/19/15 03:18:00PM @rob-n-lackey:

Very good, Jim.  I like that song.