Jim Fawcett


Location: Cowansburg, PA
Country: US

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Streets of Laredo/Red River Valley Medley

musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:02:52
Five string dulcimer ( The General) tuned DDAAA. Played noter/drone style. Love to sit on the porch swing and jam. So I thought I might do a video.
terry ritchey
02/12/18 02:33:42AM @wiseraven2000:

jim i took your advice im in ccad tuneing and i got shadygrove and wafareing stranger only in noter form i havent been able to pick it quite yet thanks jim fawsett i didnt eknow you coulf tune it to ccad thanks

terry ritchey
02/12/18 02:33:21AM @wiseraven2000:

wow my grampa kept bees when he died i tryed to keep his hives alive but they all died he only had 5 or so boxes 


Jim Fawcett
07/28/17 09:08:41PM @jim-fawcett:

Thanks, Dusty

Dusty Turtle
07/28/17 03:01:09PM @dusty:

Those two tunes go really well together, Jim.  And you do a mighty fine job there.  

Jim Fawcett
07/21/17 07:13:47AM @jim-fawcett:

Thanks everyone for your kind comments.


Ken Longfield
07/20/17 09:19:43AM @ken-longfield:

Very nice, Jim. Thanks for sharing.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

07/20/17 05:22:57AM @sam:

Great job Jim. Love your strumming. I'm kinda wimpy on that. That's a really nice dulcimer. 

Steven Berger
07/19/17 07:15:40PM @steven-berger:

Nicely played, Jim!



James Phillips
07/19/17 05:23:40PM @james-phillips:

Very nice medley Jim.  I totally forgot you too had a Dan Cox dulcimer.  

07/19/17 04:56:18PM @strumelia:

Sounds great Jim!  Like the honey blonde Cox dulcimer.

Very nice 'a capella' ending.  nod

Patty from Virginia
07/19/17 04:09:34PM @patty-from-virginia:

Very nice, Jim!!! I can still hear Rob singing Red River Valley.