Jim Fawcett


Location: Cowansburg, PA
Country: US

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Yankee Know How

musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:02:18
Can't keep a dulcimer player down. I strapped an over sized noter that Kevin Messenger made for me a few years back, on my hand that
is bandaged.Table saw accident.
08/11/18 12:03:43PM @strumelia:

Is your finger all healed up now Jim?  Any residual problems still?... are you able to play without bandages now?  crossfingers

Black Dog Bess
06/17/18 07:46:39AM @black-dog-bess:

I am so sorry about your accident. Best wishes for a speedy recovery, I will keep you in my prayers.

Your playing is better than decent! You use a noter lots better than I do! I am going to assist with a dulcimer demonstration next Sunday and have had to quickly learn what I can about noter and drone. I am grateful for the excellent beginner's instruction that you so generously gave at Wartz. It has really helped me get ready for our demo. God bless.  Barb

Peter Searle
06/16/18 12:44:22PM @peter-searle:

You are an inspiration sir!  Had my own table saw "argument" about 15 months ago; bandages are off but the hand is still pretty useless.  Your spirit is a great encouragement.  Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Dusty Turtle
06/15/18 09:59:14PM @dusty:

To say you "hurt your hand" is an understatement, Jim.  Who wouldn't be impressed with your determination?! I'm glad you'll be able to continue playing as your hand recovers.  

Cynthia Wigington
06/15/18 05:16:26AM @cynthia-wigington:

"I am not the man that I used to be, time has made a change in the way I play the dulcimer for awhile." Thanks Jim and really sorry about your accident.

06/15/18 04:25:07AM @ariane:

This is very touching, Jim - (almost) nothing can keep a true musician away from making music - so great! I wish you a speedy recovery. flower

Richard Streib
06/14/18 04:38:23PM @richard-streib:

So sorry to hear about your accident. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

Gordon Hardy
06/14/18 04:36:42PM @gordon-hardy:

Hey Jim you're doing great, glad you figured out how to hold the noter with your big baseball mitt. Sorry to hear about your accident. Thanks for sharing your music and your ingenuity.

06/14/18 03:59:35PM @elvensong:

You can't keep a DETERMINED dulcimer player down. I love the ingenuity! If you can't scratch the itch in your bandaged hand, at least you can scratch the musical itch.

Have you considered using rubber saw blades? Speedy recover, Jim