Larry Conger


Location: Gatlinburg, TN
Country: US

My Latest Followers:

Marlene Powell DulcimerBill KarenCR Nancy Downie Elvensong Cindy Steighner sweetbriar Mary MacGowan Black Dog Bess dulcinina Steven Caves Monica Cat Brown Neil W. Millard Michael Ebersohl Cynthia Wigington David Felts john lashley Ginney Camden jeffrey charles foster Ken Backer Lynn austin Lois Sprengnether Keel Carolyn Fleming PDGotro Patricia Delich Joy W. Jan Potts Nadine Bill S Erin Mae Carla Maxwell Linda Jo brockinton Martha E Steve Eulberg Phil Myers


vimeo videos: 1
youtube videos: 23
images: 28
audio tracks: 7


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@marg, 08/25/16 05:48:21PM
I saw on 'Support the Mountain Dulcimer' you will be doing a concert to benefit people from the louisiana flood. You mention " specifically our dulcimer "family" who has been impacted by the flood waters" do you know dulcimer players who are in the area?
Very nice when we can share your gift, music is always soul healing.
All the best.