

Location: Villingen Germany
Country: DE

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Hopping pigs in an elevator oder Mit der Zunge Knoten in Spaghetti machen

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Duration: 00:01:59
Dulcimer-tuning: D-A-da!Just playing around with that new tuning I "composed" this little tune.
Patty from Virginia
05/22/14 09:42:11AM @patty-from-virginia:

That is a lively tune! You have a talent for composing.Smile.gif

Jud Barry
05/21/14 10:22:00PM @jud-barry:

That's the spritz! Top floor!

John Keane
05/21/14 07:32:54PM @john-keane:

That's pretty cool! Smile.gif

05/21/14 04:02:39PM @luigi:

Hi Geekling, the german part of the title means: ...make a knot in spaghetti with the tongue...all of the title is complett nonsens...but as composer I can chose the title...

05/21/14 01:05:13PM @luigi:

...they take off their rubber boots

Ben Barr Jr
05/21/14 12:45:20PM @benjamin-w-barr-jr:

Nice tune Luigi. Not sure what pigs are doing in elevators though....7.gif 71.gif