

Location: Villingen Germany
Country: DE

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Reuben´s Train

musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:02:09
Reuben´s Train oder nine hundred miles
Dulcimer DAD Capo 1.fret
John W. McKinstry
02/02/16 10:21:29PM @john-w-mckinstry:

Really enjoyed the trip.  Hated to get off.

Cynthia Wigington
02/01/16 08:40:23AM @cynthia-wigington:

Danke. Dass ist das erste Mal dieses Lied gefällt mir! Ganz schön. Eben mehr "Zug ware schön.

01/31/16 11:22:39AM @strumelia:

Nice playing, Luigi!  That's a great standard in oldtime repertoire, and sounds great in the style you are playing it on dulcimer.

01/31/16 05:54:58AM @sam:

You caught the spirit of Reuben's Train really well. Excellent rhythm! Fine pickin'.

Dusty Turtle
01/31/16 03:14:10AM @dusty:

Nice! You really catch the sound and energy of a train.

01/30/16 05:49:39PM @dan:

Ich mag das!!

Gail Webber
01/30/16 01:29:19PM @gail-webber:

Very nice.  One of my favorites, too.


Terry Wilson
01/30/16 09:19:36AM @terry-wilson:

Wow.   You sure have a style of your own.  Enjoyed  it very  much.