

Location: Montreal, Quebec
Country: CA

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youtube videos: 6

" The Angel Reapers " Shaker song on Mountain Dulcimer

musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:00:55
Tuning CgC, Capo 3, Arrangement by William collins for appalachian dulcimer
04/17/16 04:13:28PM @monica:

Thank you for listening John-W

John W. McKinstry
04/17/16 03:04:58PM @john-w-mckinstry:

Love that sweet sound. Thanks for reminding me of the quiet sweet sound the dulcimer is capable of.

04/14/16 05:28:26PM @monica:

Thank you Judy, I have 3 strings. I keep the outer melody string on and remove the inner one.

04/14/16 10:39:17AM @monica:

Thank you so much Terry !

Terry Wilson
04/13/16 08:44:46PM @terry-wilson:

What a beautiful song Monica.  Haunting.  Soul searching. 

Thank you.

04/12/16 01:10:07PM @monica:

Thank you Bill,been busy  but always practing

Bill S
04/11/16 09:13:51AM @bill-s:

Very nice sound.  Where were you?


04/10/16 03:17:06PM @monica:

Thank you Lexie, yes I think you are right, the sun was setting .

Lexie R Oakley
04/10/16 12:27:57PM @lexie-r-oakley:

Nice to hear you play again, really nice haunting sound. I think an angle reaper took you away, I think your dark setting was appropriate.


04/10/16 07:16:55AM @monica:

Thank you for listening Gordon flower

Gordon Hardy
04/10/16 02:32:38AM @gordon-hardy:

What a lovely haunting sound Monica. Thank you for this.