robert schuler


Location: Bridgeton, NJ
Country: US

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Kitchen girl

musician/member name: People & Blogs
Duration: 00:02:09
Here is a hickory hourglass model I built with the additional 1.5 fret. Great for those Dorian modal tunes
Christine Shoemaker
05/13/17 01:24:30PM @christine-shoemaker:

So THAT is how that song goes!  Thanks so much, Robert!!!  Also, nice playing and tone on your dulcimer.  yes


Brian G.
05/07/17 07:20:49AM @brian-g:

Very nice John!

robert schuler
05/07/17 07:07:37AM @robert-schuler:

Thanks John, I like playing on a table top and the board makes it easy. I confess I'm not a big fan of half frets but they sure come handy sometimes... Robert .

John W. McKinstry
05/07/17 06:13:27AM @john-w-mckinstry:

Beautiful instrument. The Possum Board is a good match too.

05/01/17 10:51:15AM @repp:

I'm usually pretty quiet here, but that's a great tune/performance - love how it shifts modes.

04/30/17 08:17:40AM @strumelia:

That one really does have a good sound Robert.

Steven Berger
04/30/17 12:21:15AM @steven-berger:

Nice sounding dulcimer, Robert!



robert schuler
04/29/17 09:26:48PM @robert-schuler:

This is a new hickory model that I added a 1.5 and 8.5 fret. In "Dad"  its easy to play what I like to call mountain modal fiddle tunes. Like cold frosty morning, greasy coat, jakes got the belly ache, yew piney mountain, swallow tail jig.... you get the picture... The kind of tunes you tune a banjo to sawmill tuning...Sawmill dulcimer?... Robert.