Robin Clark


Location: Tywyn, Gwynedd, Wales
Country: GB

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Jeni and Billy Chicken Ridge - Conwy 2014

musician/member name:
Duration: 00:03:50
Jeni and Billy playing Chicken Ridge at Conwy Bluegrass Festival with Robin Clark on Galax mountain dulcimer.
Patty from Virginia
07/09/14 08:33:47PM @patty-from-virginia:

Yes, they do write some lovely songs. Thanks for posting a video of them!Smile.gif

Robin Thompson
07/09/14 06:38:39PM @robin-thompson:
Thanks for that video, Robin C-- I could live in a nest with banjo pieces and make music! :) (I actually had Jeni and Billy's music in my car's CD player just a bit ago.)
Steve Battarbee
07/09/14 05:27:49PM @steve-battarbee:

Your Galax sounds great and yes its a real catchy tune.

I went to the Beverley folk festival a few weeks ago but there wasn't a dulcimer in sight (apart from mine!)

I can actually see North Wales from my house but I didn't know the festival was on.

Come to think of it my profile picture was taken in the Conwy estuary on a little fishing trip

I will have to try and get there next year!

John Keane
07/09/14 01:44:42PM @john-keane:

Robin, that sounds like a ton of fun!

Robin Clark
07/09/14 11:32:05AM @robin-clark:

Thanks everyone Smile.gif

Robin T - I thought you'd like this one! And here's another of their tunes just for you (and me!):

Janene - Chicken Ridge is a real earworm of a tune!Jeni and Billy write some lovelysongs Smile.gif

Janene Millen
07/09/14 09:06:57AM @janene-millen:

I'm completely unfamiliar with this but it was really infectious! Loved it!

Rob N Lackey
07/09/14 05:10:44AM @rob-n-lackey:

That was just great, Robin. Thanks.

Dusty Turtle
07/08/14 11:40:12PM @dusty:

That's just wonderful. Pure joy. Thanks for sharing that with us. I'm gonna listen again . . .

Robin Thompson
07/08/14 10:47:29PM @robin-thompson:
Robin C! I'm a fan of your music and a fan of Jeni & Billy's music. . . And here y'all are together-- what a delight!
Ken Longfield
07/08/14 08:47:07PM @ken-longfield:

Thanks, Robin.I enjoyed all of you playing Chicken Ridge.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Patty from Virginia
07/08/14 08:43:21PM @patty-from-virginia:

That's great!!! I too enjoyed this. Wish I was there. I'll bet you had lots of funSmile.gif

Jim Fawcett
07/08/14 08:28:59PM @jim-fawcett:

Really enjoyed that, Robin. Thanks.

Kevin Messenger
07/08/14 08:19:09PM @kevin-messenger:

Thanks for sharing that Robin, You guys got me and the wife a dancing . Haven't done that in a while..

Robin Clark
07/08/14 07:47:27PM @robin-clark:

Thanks Tim and Jud Smile.gif

Jeni and Billy a duo now based in Nashville were on the last day of their UK tour for this year and came over to my dulcimer stand at the festival about an hour before they were due to play on stage. Billy has an original1930 Style O and I had one of my reproductions on the stand so he bought his guitar over so we could play together:

Jeni comes from Jewel Ridge in Virginia and I showed her my Galax dulcimer (her aunt lives in Galax) so they suggested we should play Chicken Ridge with the Galax (a Virginian mountain dulcimer for a song about a Virginian mountain ridge). We had a quick run through the song and then they invited me to play it with them to open their set due to start abouthalf an hourlaterSmile.gif So with just one quick run through I was on stage kicking of Jeni and Billy's set - no pressure there then 109.gif As the announcer said, they are just the nicest folk you could hope to meet!

Check them out here:

Jud Barry
07/08/14 07:21:39PM @jud-barry:

What a great sound! If I'd only had my ears, I'd have sworn that was a fiddle kicking off the tune! And the way the crowd joins in the singing!