Robin Clark


Location: Tywyn, Gwynedd, Wales
Country: GB

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Snakewood practice session

musician/member name:
Duration: 00:03:47
A practice session at Nick's cottage - 15 Dec 09
Robin Clark
12/17/09 04:31:17AM @robin-clark:
Thanks for your kind comments Randy,We have 4 fiddlers who join "Snakewood" for our beginners sessions - maybe another year and we'll have one of them ready to gig! Surprisingly, out of them all, I think that it will be my "better half" who will feel that she is ready first. She has been playing exactly a year this Christmas and, whilst her technique is at its very early stages, her pitch and most importantly her timing are smack on the money.
Randy Adams
12/16/09 08:12:15PM @randy-adams:
Yeah you English boys have a durn good sound going there Robin! That is a good group of instruments....& players. A fiddle wouldn't hurt anything but you're better off without one unless it's the right one huh? Your dulcimer is a major factor in the sound...lays down a nice hum....Thx!
Robin Clark
12/16/09 07:05:54AM @robin-clark:
Thanks for your comments!And Lisa, the banjo is a Clifford Essex Special with a wooden pot made in 1926.
Randy S. Bretz
12/16/09 12:53:13AM @randy-s-bretz:
Excellent !! awesome sound !!
Robin Clark
12/15/09 11:19:03PM @robin-clark:
Hi Lisa,I'm not sure which banjo Nick is using (he has so many!). I'm just working the two closest strings and letting the other two ring as drones.
12/15/09 10:54:52PM @strumelia:
Very very nice. :)Your dulcimer sounds great in that setting. And again- nice banjo playing.Is that by any chance a Mike Ramsey Woodie banjo?Are you barring over all your strings with your noter? Hard to see.