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Silver Lake Waltz

musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:01:57
Saturday night in the Sweeney cabin, Appomattox VA Courthouse national park Sept 2017. During the Joel Sweeney early banjo gathering. Jacalyn and I playing Silver Lake Waltz. To my right is Joe Ayers on his gourd banjer. Mark Weems providing a lovely fingerpicked chord accompaniment on 1800s guitar. What a great evening it was!
10/15/23 07:00:17PM @dtortorich:

Very nice!

10/01/17 06:25:53AM @sam:

Love the cadence Strumelia. I can envision a pie supper or other gathering with this tune played in just this style. What a treat!

Cindy Stammich
09/28/17 10:02:13PM @cindy-stammich:

Ohhhhh how I wish I was there - what a beautiful setting and I love the music!

09/26/17 10:19:23AM @strumelia:

Thanks my friends!

This waltz is one of Brian and my most favorite tunes to play together.  I should mention that I chose it during this jam because my buddy next to me is a beginner and it happened to be one of the few tunes she can play, so we ladies played it slowly during that fun Saturday night jam in the cabin in Virginia.  It was a nice graceful interlude in between the many lively rowdy tunes!  bear

Christine Shoemaker
09/25/17 07:05:57PM @christine-shoemaker:

Sooo nice - and sooo authentic!  I want to say "very cool" but I am sure that couldn't be more historically inaccurate, so  I will just... clapper

Patty from Virginia
09/24/17 04:57:04PM @patty-from-virginia:

Looks like you had a good time. You all sound great together.

Dusty Turtle
09/24/17 01:02:01PM @dusty:

How thoroughly pleasant! I could listen all day.