Beth T


Location: Llantrisant
Country: Wales

My Latest Followers:

Andy Gleeson Talia Strings Attached RobMachin Jim Dickens olddog75 ChcknJ vetrn7 Homer Ross DavisJames CarolynF Nate dulcidom Noah Cline granto Ariane cairney jazzc Salt Springs Cynthia Wigington Gregg Schneeman Luigi marg Steve Battarbee Pierre-Yves Donnio Brian G. Cristian Huet Dusty Turtle Geoff Black Robin Clark Peter Corser Phil Myers Randy Adams Robin Thompson Strumelia


youtube videos: 6
audio tracks: 21

Ffarwel fo i Langyfelach lon

Ffarwel fo i Langyfelach lon

style or instrument: McSpadden walnut standard dulcimer

musician/member name: Beth Thomas

streams: 83


Another Welsh folk song - a farewell song by someone press ganged into joining the dragoons. I’m trying to get to grips with Aeolian mode and using the drones.
Cynthia Wigington
10/19/22 09:22:30AM @cynthia-wigington:

I love your Welsh songs, and would love to visit Wales.

Beth T
08/31/22 05:27:20AM @beth-t:


Very nice.

Thank you. :-)

08/31/22 05:22:26AM @macaodha:

Very nice.

Beth T
08/30/22 09:09:04AM @beth-t:

Robin Thompson:

The Welsh tunes you've posted sound ever-so-good on mountain dulcimer, Beth!  

Thanks so much for your feedback and support Robin! They are much appreciated. I’d already sent off for a noter after having watched some of your videos. The harmonies you create with dulcimer and guitar are exquisite. Many Welsh traditional folk songs are modal, so they lend themselves well to the dulcimer. I’m also so excited to find an instrument I can play without bending my arthritic fingers in directions they’d rather not go. I’ve missed playing the guitar and forgotten how relaxing playing (or trying to play) music can be.

Robin Thompson
08/30/22 07:20:26AM @robin-thompson:

The Welsh tunes you've posted sound ever-so-good on mountain dulcimer, Beth!