Beth T


Location: Llantrisant
Country: Wales

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Y Delyn Aur

Y Delyn Aur

style or instrument: McSpadden walnut standard dulcimer

musician/member name: Beth Thomas

streams: 54


An traditional Welsh melody now used as a hymn tune.
12/13/24 01:50:15PM @davisjames:

That's brilliant,Beth.The recording by the choir....I grew up in the United church in Canada,an amalgam of various Methodists and Presbyterians.Seems to me half of the hymns in the hymnary were "based on a Welsh folk melody or hymn"...My experience singing in choirs shaped my musical identity.. even in rock!,laugh.I very much enjoy your playing and repertoire.

Beth T
02/18/24 03:20:28PM @beth-t:


I love the choir on the recording.Are there any womens' Welsh choirs?(had to ask,laugh).

We do the lot - women’s choirs, children, youth, mixed - any excuse! At our annual cultural festival, the National Eisteddfod, there are dozens of choral competitions. :-)

02/15/24 09:16:43PM @davisjames:

I love the choir on the recording.Are there any womens' Welsh choirs?(had to ask,laugh).

Beth T
11/03/23 12:52:21PM @beth-t:

[quote="Pierre-Yves Donnio"]

Beth, thanks for the tune. What means "Y Delyn Aur" in Welsh?

[/quote] [quote="Pierre-Yves Donnio"]

"Y Delyn Aur' means 'The Golden Harp'. The hymn was a popular part of the repertoire of male voice choirs. My father was a lifelong member of the Morriston Orpheus choir. I remember listening to their version of it as a child on our record player. You can listen to it now on YouTube -

The first verse ends with the words "Ni bydd diwedd byth ar sŵn y delyn aur"  - 'there will never be an end to the sound of the golden harp'. 

Pierre-Yves Donnio
11/03/23 08:36:44AM @pierre-yves-donnio:

Beth, thanks for the tune. What means "Y Delyn Aur" in Welsh?

Beth T
11/02/23 04:37:36PM @beth-t:


Thanks for the lovely melodies,Beth.Your dulcimer sounds great.

I’m glad you enjoy the Welsh tunes, Davis. Hopefully, with a bit more practice, my playing will be as good as yours. :-)

11/02/23 02:40:44PM @davisjames:

Thanks for the lovely melodies,Beth.Your dulcimer sounds great.

Robin Thompson
11/02/23 10:41:22AM @robin-thompson:

There is a beautiful solemnity to this tune and you play it beautifully.