Beth T


Location: Llantrisant
Country: Wales

My Latest Followers:

Talia Strings Attached RobMachin Jim Dickens olddog75 ChcknJ vetrn7 Homer Ross DavisJames CarolynF Nate dulcidom Noah Cline granto Ariane cairney jazzc Salt Springs Cynthia Wigington Gregg Schneeman Luigi marg Steve Battarbee Pierre-Yves Donnio Brian G. Cristian Huet Dusty Turtle Geoff Black Robin Clark Peter Corser Phil Myers Randy Adams Robin Thompson Strumelia


youtube videos: 4
audio tracks: 20



style or instrument: McSpadden Ginger

musician/member name: Beth Thomas

streams: 73


A slow, stately Welsh dance tune first seen in print in the 18th century. The title is the Welsh name for clover or the trefoil. It could also refer to a house called Meillionen in Gwynedd, Wales as the tune has also been known as "Consêt Gwraig Meillionen", or the "Delight of the lady of Meillionen."
Geoff Black
04/08/24 07:33:33AM @geoff-black:


Peter Corser suggested I get in touch with you - and I apologise for not having done so before.  It's been a while since I was on FOTMD!

I also find your tunes delightful and would love you to join us sometime.  Would you be interested in playing with other mountain dulcimer players who live locally?  There's a small group meets close to Newport and the same people usually come across the bridge to Horfield, Bristol for the bi-monthly meets there.

Email me on or use my contact form at Revels Music ( for details.

Best wishes


Beth T
01/01/24 10:22:08AM @beth-t:

Peter Corser:

Beth, Happy New Year.

Your tunes are beautiful and beautifully played.

Thanks for posting them.


Blwyddyn Newydd Dda Peter - it's great to hear from someone in the UK. Thank you so much for your feedback - a lovely start to the New Year. :-)

Peter Corser
01/01/24 10:03:17AM @peter-corser:

Beth, Happy New Year.

Your tunes are beautiful and beautifully played.

Thanks for posting them.


Beth T
12/26/23 05:58:23AM @beth-t:

Jim Dickens:

Absolutely fantastic! Beautifully done 

Thank you so much for the feedback. It’s much appreciated and encouraging. :-)

Jim Dickens
12/25/23 06:30:26PM @jim-dickens:

Absolutely fantastic! Beautifully done 

Beth T
11/23/23 03:56:54AM @beth-t:


I've now listened to several of your tunes and thoroughly enjoyed them all! Your playing is beautiful, clear and understated, letting the dulcimer show itself off. PLEASE keep them coming.

Thank you so much for the feedback! I’ve only been playing the dulcimer for a year or so and I’ve found it to be an instrument that sounds good at whatever level you play it. It also also allows you to find your own way of playing, to suit your capabilities and the music you want to play. 

Homer Ross
11/22/23 01:56:22PM @homer-ross:


11/22/23 01:31:08PM @olddog75:

I've now listened to several of your tunes and thoroughly enjoyed them all! Your playing is beautiful, clear and understated, letting the dulcimer show itself off. PLEASE keep them coming.