Cynthia Wigington


Location: Fairlee, VT
Country: US

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My Kantele from a Musicmakers' kit

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Duration: 00:04:11
I just got this kantele this week. It's a 10 string Finnish lap zither made from a Musicmakers' kit by Lynn Austin. She did a lovely job. I don't know what t...
Cynthia Wigington
02/17/15 05:52:42PM @cynthia-wigington:

Spysibo Volha. I too think it has a magical sound and am enjoying it very much.

02/17/15 05:28:13PM @volha:

Hello Cynthia! I'm glad that you obtained your kantele yet!

It has very nice and magical sound. I like the first tune very much.

Cynthia Wigington
02/17/15 03:52:48PM @cynthia-wigington:

Thanks for listening Sherrill and the kind compliments. I just got it, but I know within it is a world of wonderful music. Don't know if I will post future posts here, but I'll put a link to them for those interested. I have a pile of videos on youtube if you're interested in more. Good luck with your dulcimer, you're new I believe...

James Phillips
02/16/15 04:27:40PM @james-phillips:

If only you knew Strumelia......

02/16/15 09:13:03AM @strumelia:

It seems like February is Kantele Month on FOTMD !

Cynthia Wigington
02/16/15 09:02:36AM @cynthia-wigington:

Thank you John, and the Musicmaker's one built for you by them is quite reasonable also.

Cynthia Wigington
02/16/15 08:41:12AM @cynthia-wigington:

Thank you Cindy, I'm loving it. Will learn all those old Finnish melodies now. And thank you for mentioning Lynn!

John Keane
02/16/15 07:24:31AM @john-keane:

That is really a wonderful sound.

Cindy Stammich
02/15/15 09:39:35PM @cindy-stammich:
Cynthia, (and Lynn!!!) what a beautiful instrument!!!I love the haunting sound!!!Thank you for sharing!!!!
Cynthia Wigington
02/15/15 09:42:17AM @cynthia-wigington:
Thank you Lisa, I'm so glad you enjoyed it. It grabbed my heart a couple of months ago, then one day Lynn and I were chatting and, the rest, as they say is history. Musicmakers has them built as well, or you can get fancier ones, but this one is quite decent with the mahogany.
Cynthia Wigington
02/15/15 08:26:51AM @cynthia-wigington:

Thanks for listening Tumbleweed. It caught my attention a couple of months ago and I wondered how to go about getting one. Musicmakers also makes them finished, and Lynn says the kit is not difficult to do.

Cynthia Wigington
02/15/15 08:20:19AM @cynthia-wigington:

Thank you for the comments Patty. I can just imagine how this instrument, about 2,000 years old, was played by young and old, by the very talented, and by just everyone along the way, picking out tunes...kind of a neat history.

Cynthia Wigington
02/14/15 07:28:47PM @cynthia-wigington:

Thank you so much Gail. One day I was wandering on youtube and came across Finnish lullaby - check it out. I spent every second I could of the next few days, just going from kantele to kantele song. I was literally dreaming about them...could not get them out of my head. And then, well, magic happened and now I am so pleased to have this beauty.

Cynthia Wigington
02/14/15 07:22:46PM @cynthia-wigington:

Thanks so much Jan, I'm really glad you enjoyed it. I've been throwing up links almost since I joined onto chat, so it was great to finally get one.

Cynthia Wigington
02/14/15 06:30:24PM @cynthia-wigington:

Thank you Ken, I really wanted to show off Lynn's beautiful work, and just have folks see what I've been raving about. It was a pleasure.

02/14/15 06:25:09PM @strumelia:

Cynthia, this is just heavenly....the instrument's tone, the lonely sounding tune, and your playing.

The sustain adds a drone-like effect. I just love the very old and simple folk tunes.

02/14/15 04:24:45PM @tumbleweed:

Hi Cynthia

that was lovely playing and a neat instrument. And I am with you I would like to see Ken play it wearing mitts. (Funny Guy). Hope you upload more videos with your new item.


Patty from Virginia
02/14/15 04:22:46PM @patty-from-virginia:

Cynthia, great playing as usual. That is a pretty sounding instrument and beautiful too. Thanks for the demonstrationSmile.gif

Ken Backer
02/14/15 03:55:38PM @ken-backer:

Cynthia, maybe you should get Greta some buddies. The Inuit used dogs as blankets. That is where the expression "it's a three dog night" came from. Grin.gif

Cynthia Wigington
02/14/15 03:27:04PM @cynthia-wigington:

I like the effect of it as well Ken, and I can't wait to hear you play it with mitts on! The house is on a slab, predates digging around the outside and insulating...I'd be lying to say it's warm in here.