


Location: New Tazewell, TN
Country: USA

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clawjammer RobMachin Homer Ross glp1958 AndiBear Susan Ann jost tednms Hunterdude Nate Bob M hoodoo Judith tssfulk haydee025 Dave D Ballad Gal Elvensong tndulcimer GaryFSmith Ariane Debbie Kopp Simpkins Ryan Carrell Don Grundy Laurel K Scott jazzc Kevin R. Mary DianeL Redmando fluidpaint Black Dog Bess dulcinina JGD Salt Springs Mill Branch Dulcimores Sheryl St. Clare Charles Thomas David Pedersen Bob Reinsel Noah Aikens Lexie R Oakley Cynthia Wigington Bill Robison jeffrey charles foster Bob Will Mark Runge Ken Backer Lynn austin


youtube videos: 2
images: 200
audio tracks: 15



style or instrument: Noter/Drone

musician/member name: Dulcimore Dan

streams: 43


Tuned about B bagpipe on the Nettie Mystery Machine.
01/11/22 02:14:40PM @dan:


Probably sacreligious but I couldn't help playing along with the bones!Lovely rhythm.

No, not sacrilegious at all. I'd love to hear your add to the sound tract......

01/11/22 10:48:14AM @davisjames:

Probably sacreligious but I couldn't help playing along with the bones!Lovely rhythm.

04/06/21 05:22:31AM @dan:

Dusty Turtle:

Dan, you have one of the most accurate--and playful--strumming hands in all of dulcimerdom.  Your unique ability is on fine display here.

Thank you Dusty!

Dusty Turtle
04/06/21 12:19:50AM @dusty:

Dan, you have one of the most accurate--and playful--strumming hands in all of dulcimerdom.  Your unique ability is on fine display here.

Learning Always
04/05/21 12:13:00PM @learning-always:

That was incredible playing. I loved the embellishments as you went along.

Gordon Hardy
04/05/21 11:20:15AM @gordon-hardy:

I sure like the sound of the Nettie Mystery Machine. Your playing is phenomenal!

04/05/21 10:44:17AM @dan:

Thank you all!

Robin Thompson
04/05/21 09:03:35AM @robin-thompson:

Would never have thought of playing this on mountain dulcimer.  Well played, Dan. 

04/05/21 07:12:38AM @strumelia:

An oldie but a goodie!

John C. Knopf
04/04/21 09:22:56PM @john-c-knopf:

You got them saints all marching in formation, Brother Dan!  Great job.

Richard Streib
04/04/21 07:15:33PM @richard-streib:

How sweet is that sound. Thanks Dulcimore Dan