Photos Galleries
Me and Jake Hisaw
Jake was born in 1918. Karen and I pick him up from the assisted living facility to take to our dulcimer jams when we can. Jake said that when he was growing up he sang while chopping cotton or driving the plow with his mules.
Bring Your Dulcimore To Work Day
My office had it's Team Building Day down at the river so I took my dulcimore and played.
Hindman In Exile
here's a few group photos. 1st: Warren May's Shop Berea; 2nd Luthier's Shop in Hindman; 3rd outside the Luthier's Shop, Hindman, 4th, 5th, & 6th University of Kentucky. Photos taken by our official photographer, Karen Bennett
Dulcimore Dan Relative
Every time I see this mural the gentleman looking over Uncle Ed's should always makes me think of Dulcimore Dan...