Dusty Turtle


Location: Northern California
Country: USA

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Westphalia Waltz

musician/member name:
Duration: 00:01:56
I would like to dedicate this traditional fiddle tune to Kristi Keller, the very generous and trusting previous owner of the dulcimer, and to Geekling, who played the role of middleman (middlegeek?) in the LA prisoner exchange a few weeks ago.The dulcimer was made by Rick Probst of cherry sides and back, Carpathian spruce top, and cocobolo fingerboard overlay. I really like it!
Dusty Turtle
10/21/14 03:23:05PM @dusty:

Hi Rick. Yes, I am in DAd. Ron Zuckerman posted tab for this at Everything Dulcimer that is pretty close to the way I play it here. I think the main difference between his version and mine is that I throw in some arpeggiated chords when there are long pauses in the melody. But his tab should get you going.

Dusty Turtle
10/20/14 01:07:06PM @dusty:

Well thank you kindly, Bobby!

10/19/14 03:20:06PM @bobby-maxspop-bingham:

Bravo, Dusty! Mighty fine playing on that beautiful Probst!

Dusty Turtle
10/19/14 02:54:07PM @dusty:

Kristi, I originally had this down as Carpathian spruce, but Rick emailed me some details and thought it was Adirondack Spruce. I don't think I could tell the difference either by sight or sound.

Robin, by all means, come on by and we'll jam together. I'm free today.Grin.gif

Robin Thompson
10/19/14 02:50:41PM @robin-thompson:
Beautifully played, Dusty!The last time I heard a Probst played it was in WV by the brother of the maker. The instrument sounds good on the internet, too, yet I would like to hear you play 'live' sometime.
Dusty Turtle
10/18/14 07:28:58PM @dusty:

Thanks Jan and John. I'll take "smooth and comfortable" any day. And yes, the video quality of my smartphone is better than that of my webcam. I just wish the audio were a bit better.

John Keane
10/18/14 01:35:40PM @john-keane:

Dusty...that is just SO smooth and comfortable. Well done yet again!

Jan Potts
10/18/14 02:44:48AM @jan-potts:

Beautifully played on this great instrument and a high quality video to boot!Smile.gif

Dusty Turtle
10/18/14 01:04:22AM @dusty:

Ha! Don't worry, Helen. Although we do go camping a few times a year, this Probst dulcimer will be safe at home in its case when we do.

Dusty Turtle
10/17/14 09:17:31PM @dusty:

Kristi and Geekling, thank you both for everything!

Geekling, my older videos were mostly made from a regular Logitech webcam and a small Blue Snowflake microphone. But I've moved my desk into another room, and the lighting is just not good enough for videos with the webcam, so for the time being I am just using my smartphone for video and audio. I do like the video quality, but I would prefer a different microphone. Maybe I'll plug in and amplify my next video and we'll see how that sounds.

Dusty Turtle
10/17/14 12:34:05AM @dusty:

Steve, Brian, and Gail, thanks for listening and offering nice encouragement. Gail, it was an accident that I embedded not just this one video but a whole playlist. But I'm glad you liked some of my earlier videos.

Gail Webber
10/16/14 09:39:22PM @gail-webber:

Very nice, and I like the dulcimer, too. I went through some of your playlist and thoroughly enjoyed my little mini concert!

Brian G.
10/16/14 06:57:53PM @brian-g:

Very nice Dusty. Love the dulcimer also!

Steve Battarbee
10/16/14 08:47:22AM @steve-battarbee:

Thats really nice Dusty

Dusty Turtle
10/14/14 11:14:04PM @dusty:

Thanks for listening, Guy, Terry, Ken, and Carrie.

Carrie, my spies tell me you were a star at the Divas gathering. I'm sure they're right.

Ken Backer
10/14/14 09:07:30PM @ken-backer:

Nice playing, and a find sounding instrument.

Guy Babusek
10/14/14 08:14:10PM @guy-babusek:

Beautifully played and on a lovely instrument!

Dusty Turtle
10/14/14 03:38:28PM @dusty:

Thanks, Gary, John, and Gordon, for listening and offering such nice encouragement. I really just wanted to show off this "new to me" dulcimer.

Gordon, I didn't mean to link to a whole playlist, but only to this one song. However, to fix that now I think I'd have to delete this conversation and start over with a new video URL. But I'm glad you like some of my older tunes. And I sure wish I could convince my daughter to record more with me.

Gordon Hardy
10/14/14 03:27:00PM @gordon-hardy:

Great playing Dusty, there's something real comfortable about an old time waltz and then to get the added bonus of all those extra tunes, I really enjoyed your vocals and the little one's input as well. Thanks for all this.

John Henry
10/14/14 03:20:34PM @john-henry:

Nice one Dusty, thank you for sharing !
