In the Sweet By and By/Battle Cry of Freedom baritone dulcimer medley

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Duration: 00:02:30
Duration: 00:02:30
James Phillips named the first of these tunes for a March challenge. I learned it this past weekend, when I also attended a workshop with Neal Hellman who taught the second tune. What do Joseph Webster's hymn and George Frederick Root's Civil War anthem have in common? Both melodies were used by labor martyr Joe Hill for songs eventually published in the Little Red Songbook. How's that for trivia? My version of "Battle Cry of Freedom" is based on tablature Neal Hellman made available in his Dulcimer Method published by Hal Leonard. I am playing a cherry/cedar baritone dulcimer made by Ron Gibson and tuned AEa.For Neal Hellman: For Ron Gibson: For The Little Red Songbook:
Good for you, Dulcinina. Watching others play, picking up what makes sense to you, and incorporating it into your own playing is exactly how to develop your own style.
Hey Dusty, your video inspired me to finger pick In The Sweet By n By. I watched you play several times and although I didn't play it exactly in your style, I came up with a nice finger-picked version. Thanks for posting this. I have the tab for the second song somewhere and will give that a try too. You never fail to inspire and challenge. Thanks, Dulcinina
Thanks for listening, John T. I appreciate your taking the time to comment.
Hello Dusty.
Not been here for a long while, but glad I've returned. " In the Sweet etc " video is beautiful.You always come up with the tunes and inspire us.
Thanks, John T
Thanks for your encouragement, Marg.
Unfortunately, I recently had to sell this dulcimer to help fund a big home improvement project, and seeing this video makes me regret that decision.
Always beautiful Dusty. Thank you for all you do on here.
Thanks, Lexie!
Beautiful playing Dusty, that is a lovely sounding dulcimer.
Well thank you very kindly, Miss Helen.
Thanks, Melodee. By "baby" I assume you mean my daughter in my avatar photo and not my dulcimer in the video.
That photo is from about 9 years ago, so my daughter is now a soccer- and dog-loving ten-year-old and my hair has more gray than brown. My guitar basically looks the same, though. It was beat up then and it still is.
Thanks so much, Melodee. What a pretty name
you have.
John, thanks for listening and taking the time to comment.
Beautifully played, Dusty, with much feeling. Thanks also for reminding me of what the dulcimer is capable of.
Thanks so much, Jan!
Love your playing, as always, Dusty!
Thanks, Neil!
Really nice Dusty!
Well thank you most kindly, Monica.
very beautiful rendition.
Thanks, Mr. Garcia and Mr. McDonald.
Tom, remember that the arrangement of Battle Cry that I play is based on one by Neal Hellman. All those hammers and pulls are his idea, not mine.
At FOTMD there used to be a rating system of 1-5 stars for videos but since we are mostly amateur musicians here, it seemed unnecessary, and in a few cases people were giving really low ratings, achieving nothing but hurting feelings, so we got rid of that feature.