Dusty Turtle


Location: Northern California
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Spanish Fandango

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Duration: 00:02:00
On this day three years ago, I first got a mountain dulcimer. To celebrate the anniversary, I will post three videos today. Here is "Spanish Fandango," which was originally written in 1860 by Henry Worrall for the parlor guitar tuned in an open G tuning. I learned the song from guitar versions by Norman Blake and Elizabeth Cotton and the dulcimer version by Stephen Seifert available on YouTube and also provided with some variations and tablature at the Dulcimer School.For Stephen Seifert: http://stephenseifert.com/ For the Dulcimer School: http://www.dulcimerschool.com/
Peter W.
06/06/12 05:44:55AM @peter-w:

Like your playing!

Dusty Turtle
05/15/12 02:23:59PM @dusty:

Thanks for listening, Patty and Robin. I appreciate it.

Patty from Virginia
05/15/12 10:07:01AM @patty-from-virginia:

I love this. It's prettySmile.gif

Robin Clark
05/15/12 07:42:25AM @robin-clark:

That was great Dusty Grin.gif

Dusty Turtle
05/14/12 10:46:37PM @dusty:

Wayne, Mandy, Karen, and Phil, thanks so much for your comments. I appreciate your listening and your encouragement.

Phil, this song is all about patience. Nopart of it is difficult in any sense, but it just takes time to learn.

05/14/12 07:33:14PM @phil:

I love that song wish I played it half as good as you do.

Karen Keane
05/14/12 06:53:26PM @karen-keane:

Great again!

05/14/12 05:49:01PM @mandy:

Wow, Norman Blake and Elizabeth Cotten are two heroes of mine. Nicely played Dusty and HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to you and your dulcimer. Grin.gif

Dusty Turtle
05/14/12 04:15:18PM @dusty:

Thanks, folks. Yes, John, I've always thought this to be a pretty yet unpretentious tune.

Carrie, you pegged it! Three years ago today I got my first mountain dulcimer. But recently I got my sixth. Yikes! And I still want a baritone. I am indeed afflicted.

John Henry
05/14/12 03:09:06PM @john-henry:

Congrats on your anniversity Dusty ! Wish it was just three years ago I made my first, I hazard a guess you were not around then! Have always liked this simple, understated tune and you do it proud!
