Hi, I'm Patty, I live in Beavercreek Oregon, and about 10 days ago a little voice in my head said 'you need to find a dulcimer.' Coincidentally, there was a like-new Folkcraft on CraigsList and when I saw it I happily got it, and have been picking up accessories and books and as much info as I have time to read right now. I joined Fotmd so I could look at how people had made cheap guitar stands work for dulcimers. Heartened, I ordered a likely looking stand from Amazon and it got here today, and I didn't have to do a thing to it except to lower the top extender a couple or 3 inches so it cradles the upper headstock. If anyone's looking for a cheap stand right now, it was $11.98, and it's called the 'Chromacast Upright Guitar Stand Two Tier Adjustable-Extended Height'. The supports on the bottom are about 5.75" across, plenty narrow enough to hold a lady with curves, without me having to tweak it. it clears the floor as it is by a good half inch. A couple pieces of pipe insulation on the supports would move it up farther. (Yes, I am lazy.)
Yahoo! One less thing to worry about. I also need to thank the person who posted a photo of their dulcimer on top of a cheap keyboard stand--I set mine up in my living room with the music stand behind it and it's the perfect height for me to stand up and play.
Looks like I joined the right Mountain Dulcimer group!! Lotsa smart people here!
ps. for instrument junkies, it's a 2007 D Series, made by S. J. Ash of 100% black walnut.
updated by @pattyfromor: 09/12/19 08:39:06PM