House fire

11 years ago
129 posts

yep sure was. One ofthe best mail I have ever gotten. I am still smiling like a frog on a hot summer day sitting on a Lilly pad. 24.gif 40.gif

oh that was bad.Grin.gif
Robin Thompson said:

I'd wager your mail the other day was way better than mine,Phil. :)

phil said:

as soon as i get some new battery for my camera I will show ya'll what I got in the mail.Grin.gif

I know i have been missing for a few days. nothing bad has happen, we have been moving into our new place. still have some things to get moved. then we will decide what we are going to do and where we want to live. so for now we are renting.

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
11 years ago
1,480 posts
I'd wager your mail the other day was way better than mine,Phil. :)

phil said:

as soon as i get some new battery for my camera I will show ya'll what I got in the mail.Grin.gif

I know i have been missing for a few days. nothing bad has happen, we have been moving into our new place. still have some things to get moved. then we will decide what we are going to do and where we want to live. so for now we are renting.

Patty from Virginia
Patty from Virginia
11 years ago
231 posts

Phil, sounds like things are in an upswing. It's good to hear you are doing better and have a place to staySmile.gif

11 years ago
129 posts

as soon as i get some new battery for my camera I will show ya'll what I got in the mail.Grin.gif

I know i have been missing for a few days. nothing bad has happen, we have been moving into our new place. still have some things to get moved. then we will decide what we are going to do and where we want to live. so for now we are renting.

11 years ago
2,321 posts

I hope we can all hear a little more about it Phil- sounds pretty good whatever it is!

I'm so happy for you to have experienced some wonderful kindness from others here.

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Gail Webber
Gail Webber
11 years ago
70 posts

I am so glad that you received something to bring a smile to your face! May many more good things come your way.

Dusty Turtle
Dusty Turtle
11 years ago
1,793 posts

You deserved some good news for a change, Phil. And yes, there are some wonderful people here at FOTMD.

Dusty T., Northern California
Site Moderator

As a musician, you have to keep one foot back in the past and one foot forward into the future.
-- Dizzy Gillespie
Jan Potts
Jan Potts
11 years ago
402 posts

Ditto to what Robin said! I hope things are starting to get back to normal, whatever that is!

Jan Potts, Lexington, KY
Site Moderator

"Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best." Henry Van Dyke
Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
11 years ago
1,480 posts
Yay! FOTMD Is a special place. So happy for you to have a happy surprise, Phil! :)

phil said:

Wow good things really do happen. I always knew there where some awesome people here. But today just blew me away when I went to the mail. I am not sure if I can say what came, but there are some really spectacle people here. I would like to thank them for what they have done. Oh and ya can't knock the smile off my face no matter how hard you try. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

11 years ago
129 posts

Wow good things really do happen. I always knew there where some awesome people here. But today just blew me away when I went to the mail. I am not sure if I can say what came, but there are some really spectacle people here. I would like to thank them for what they have done. Oh and ya can't knock the smile off my face no matter how hard you try. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

11 years ago
620 posts

I am just reading about the fire and I am very sorry for all the pain this has caused you and your family. I like the way Helen said "sooth your woundedsoul" that is how I feel about playing the dulcimer and all I do is make a sweet noise so far.

It is very hard to go through many many years of saved memories, some maybe lost now but you did live them and are still here to remember them. I remember the feeling of going through and throwing away everything you have but when I did it, so was most of new orleans (after katrina) so as bad as it was, you didn't feel alone. I am sorry your neighborhood could not be by your side but I am so impress that your FOTMD fellow members are true friends and at your side.

Spring is coming and new beginnings, I hope you and all your love ones are able to look forward to all the next's to come and soon will be able to smile again.

Lois Sprengnether Keel
Lois Sprengnether Keel
11 years ago
197 posts

Oh, Phil, I do understand the heartbreak of going through those things that hold memories! That was one of the reasons I said you need to be in as good condition personally as possible. It will never be the same, but I'm so happy for you having the housing as a place to retreat and get ready for your new life. May many of those items surprise you by still being worth saving.

As a personal example, this bibliomaniac lost tons of books, but just yesterday came across a book on vintage clothing I thought was lost. No, it's definitely water damaged, but was saved from being unusable. Don't mind a bit the condition since I can still use it to figure out what I need to know.

I'm sure you'll have damaged items that you will choose to keep...especially since this means both smoke damage, heat, and probably many things have water damage in stopping the fire. I am sure from what you say here that it will just affirm how strong this very difficult time shows you can be. Nobody would wish for it, but you will come through it.

Jan Potts
Jan Potts
11 years ago
402 posts

Phil, wishing you and your wife peace and comfort as you move into your new place. Smile.gif

I would probably build a different setup to get to the door, even if it was just a piece of plywood and some cinderblocks. My husband had a bad fall years ago coming out of a door that had 3 steps down and he misjudged his footing--couldn't see what he was doing because he was carrying a huge air conditioner. Accidents happen very easily, especially on snow and ice. Be careful!

Jan Potts, Lexington, KY
Site Moderator

"Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best." Henry Van Dyke
Gail Webber
Gail Webber
11 years ago
70 posts

I am sorry for everything that you have been through, but you have a great attitude. May good things come your way.

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
11 years ago
1,480 posts
Phil,Sending warm thoughts to you and yours! It's good to know you have a place.
11 years ago
2,321 posts

Good thoughts, Phil. Things will go on and get better again for you.

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
11 years ago
129 posts

Well we have finely started to move into a new place, the owner still needs to fix a couple of things as we move in. Then yesterday we got hit with an Ice and snow storm and its a whooping 9 degrees out today. So moving anything else has been put on hold for now.102.gif 45.gif One thing I already know that I am going to have to find away to do is somehow build a better way of getting into this place there are three step to get into the front door there is no landing and no railing. the owner not going to do anything the steps that are there they are good, It's just my knees and hips are not.

We've been down to the ol' home place going through things to see what can be saved and what to take, what to leave, what to sell. you would be amazed at how much stuff we collect over a life time. Some of this stuff I don't even remember. Then there are the things that set off a flood of memory's Like all the marks beside the door where each child has been measured over the years to show how much they grew and the new fresher marks as Grand children came into the family. All the birthdays and holidays, all the laughter and tears, A family was here the children learned about life here through both good times and bad, they had each other, they explored the world around them. Then to soon they where gone... Then they came back but not alone, soon there where Grandchildren and a new life had started.

Now is a time for a new chapter in life to begin, we don't know where it going to take us. Things can and will be replaced and broken and replaced again. but they are things that do not matter.. Life will go on no fire on can take what is in our hearts. The memory's are ours to keep, New ones will now be made in a new place over time. there is even talk of moving to a new state. I had enough of cold and snow.

Lois Sprengnether Keel
Lois Sprengnether Keel
11 years ago
197 posts


Having been away from FOTMD for most of January, I'm just catching your news updates. BOO! to Wal-Mart and the comments from a former employee here saying it's typical of a company that tries to claim it cares about its local community. Yeahrightsure. I now feel better about the Red Cross, however, as I was led to expect much worse. Oh I hope and pray your house sale goes well for you. May the rental be working well. Did you have more to say about your instruments? Sure hope you have health insurance at least and that you are taking care to get better. This is a time that could make anyone overwhelmed -- as I said earlier from my own house flood experiences -- so you need to do whatever it takes because this is enough to make a healthy horse sick. (Not that I'm calling you that!) Is there any hope of ever getting your dogs back? That alone would be the equivalent of a death in the family situation for me.

This storyteller says you've got the makings for a That's Bad/That's Good story where the luck alternates until a whole bunch of it finally is the same and brings it to a conclusion. May your conclusion be "And I strummed happily ever after!"113.gif

11 years ago
357 posts

Phil, You've taken a lickin' but have kept on kickin'. Good for you!!!!!!!!!

Dusty Turtle
Dusty Turtle
11 years ago
1,793 posts

Phil, I know you've had a string of bad luck, but at least pneumonia is something they can deal with. Take it easy until you're better.

Dusty T., Northern California
Site Moderator

As a musician, you have to keep one foot back in the past and one foot forward into the future.
-- Dizzy Gillespie
Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
11 years ago
1,480 posts
Oh, no, Phil! Thank goodness you are back with family. Take care.
11 years ago
129 posts

OK ready for round 3. I am starting to believe God is trying to tell me something. Since I was last here I have spent the last week and half in the Hospital66.gif after the fire I had been feeling sick, Seen my Doc and was told I had the flu and bronchitis. So after getting meds to feel better, taking them for a week ,I was not getting any better, I was told to head to the ER. Found out I now had Pneumonia. I remember being out of my head a few times with high fever, I know it looks like I have a big head and all, But it takes some work to get out of them little holes to be out of your head.40.gif Grin.gif

I am finely back where I was, staying with family. hopefully we will have a place tomorrow. I am taking my meds and now have an O2 tank to carry around. But...Hey I am still here and Kick'n


Jan Potts
Jan Potts
11 years ago
402 posts

Phil....did they ever set up a collection at a local bank or something? I know your community hasn't exactly bent over backwards to help....but maybe the dulcimer community could help some.

If this hasn't been set up, then send me a message with your address, please.

Wish you were closer...I have lots of extra stuff at my house.

Jan Potts, Lexington, KY
Site Moderator

"Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best." Henry Van Dyke
Patty from Virginia
Patty from Virginia
11 years ago
231 posts

Phil, I hope you feel better soon! Praying that you'll get a great price on your property.

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
11 years ago
1,480 posts
Phil, I'm sorry about the bronchitis and tickled about the possibility of selling your place!Mark, I'm glad those folks made it out alive and have lots of community support!
Jim Fawcett
Jim Fawcett
11 years ago
85 posts

Phil, that is great news. Here's hoping for ya!

Site Moderator
11 years ago
2,321 posts

oh my gosh that would be wonderful Phil! I will keep my positive karma thoughts and wishes coming your way!

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
11 years ago
129 posts

well I have some good news and some bad news.Might as well get the bad news out of the way. I started out with the flu and ended up with bronchitisFrown.gif

Well the good. I am no longer homeless.Grin.gif it gets even better. We been approached with and offer to sell the old house. I know we wont get what i was worth before he fire but if the stars aline we should have a nice little nest egg.

Patty from Virginia
Patty from Virginia
11 years ago
231 posts

Phil, I hope you hear real soon!

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
11 years ago
1,480 posts
Hope you get good word soon, Phil!

phil said:

well we went to rent a place today. Just sitting here now waiting to hear if we get it or not. how do you have references when you have lived in the same place for the last 25 years. waiting just makes me nervous.42.gif

11 years ago
129 posts

well we went to rent a place today. Just sitting here now waiting to hear if we get it or not. how do you have references when you have lived in the same place for the last 25 years. waiting just makes me nervous.42.gif

Jim Fawcett
Jim Fawcett
11 years ago
85 posts

Phil, that doesn't surprise me at all about Wal Mart. I used to work for them and they haven't changed at all. It's sad that they have to be the way they are. Too big for their britches. I echo what Geekling and Ken said... Shame on them.

Site Moderator
11 years ago
2,321 posts

Hang in there Phil. You are hopefully due for a little streak of good luck, I imagine!

Were you able to salvage belongings from your burnt house?

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Ken Longfield
Ken Longfield
11 years ago
1,211 posts

I agree with Geekling; shame on Walmart and/or the employees who made that decision. I am glad to hear that you may have a place to rent. Hang in there Phil. We are all with you.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

11 years ago
129 posts

I am madder than a wet hornet right now. This week has not been a very good one first we lost our house to a fire, then we gave up our dogs so they would have a place to live. The Red Cross was kind enough to give us a credit card that there is to be no taxes paid even the letter they gave us to show stores say it is a sate law. but do you thank that maters to the people at walmart... NOPE first they where not going to take the card because we did not work for the Red Cross. When we got them to understand we could use the card and they had to use a Tax code number that they have on file for the Red Cross so we would not have to pay Taxes on the clothing we where replacing. a call was mad to the mangers office and they refused to do what the letter said, that we where given by the Red Cross was telling them to do. They wanted them taxes. I looked them in the eyes and said loud enough for everyone to hear. I may have lost my home to a fire and maybe homeless now, but I don't have to stand here and be treated like I am trying to steal something. we took the letters and card and left everything we had sitting on the counter over $200.00 I in new clothing. I don't need walmart they had better wake up to that fact. I know Rule King will honer it and Burlington will also.
Sorry just had to vent.

some good news we have line on a place to rent. we have the paper work done will take it back monday and will know something in a week or so.

Ken Backer
Ken Backer
11 years ago
31 posts

Phil, my heart goes out to you on this tragedy. As stated by others, although mateial loss is hard to take, the most important thing is that you, your family, and pets are okay. You are in the thoughts and prayers of many people here.


Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
11 years ago
1,480 posts
Phil, I am so very sorry. Take care and check-in here when time allows-- though we're not in your neighborhood there, we are here.
Jim Fawcett
Jim Fawcett
11 years ago
85 posts

Phil, just remember that everyone here at FOTMD is thinking of you and your family at this time. You have certainly gone through a lot this past year. Hopefully you will be able to salvage at least one of your instruments. You and your family will remain in my thoughts and prayers.

Site Moderator
11 years ago
129 posts

I am emberrused to say that we did not have insurance. for unknown reason our insurance had canceled us around this time last year,we had some snow damage that we turned in they came out and looked at it then a couple months later we got a letter saying that we had been canceled.

We have been in touch with the Red Cross and they have been very helpful in getting us moeny to buy cloths and other items we are going to need.

I did get my Dulcimer open today and my little baby is doing ok. So the others I hope will come out ok also.

There are a few kind so try to help us. I wish I had ya'll for neighbors I have not seen hide nor hair of mine even the night of the fire not one came out of their house to offer a place to come out of the cold. I have helped just about everyone there at some point, I am not going to cruse them if they can not find it in their hearts to do the same, hopefully they will help someone else down the line.

We are still homeless for now. but we now have number to call and starting to put a plan together.

I would also like to think everyone here for your prayers and support. that go a long way in a time like this. ( now where is that little hugging smily?)Grin.gif

Ben Barr Jr
Ben Barr Jr
11 years ago
64 posts

Sorry to hear that Phil. That sounds devastating. First, it is good that all living creatures made it out alive. Second, I hope that the instruments will be you say, you may need to go to the street corner, play some tunes and pass the hat. Keep us posted.

Lois Sprengnether Keel
Lois Sprengnether Keel
11 years ago
197 posts

Oh, Phil, what a horrible start to 2014! You don't mention insurance covering anything. I hope some of that is possible, even though I know first-hand that can be a long miserable process.

Back in 2010 we came home from a music festival to a house flooded by a broken plumbing part. ServPro was great getting us to as close to normal as possible in the early stages. I knew at the time our flood was nowhere near as bad as a fire would have been, because then you have both smoke and water on anything left. We also, unlike you, were able to stay in our home, even though it was under reconstruction. The whole thing happened the day I was starting a very demanding play plus continuing my storytelling business. Our flood was bad enough even though your situation definitely is worse. As a result, back then I went to my storytelling community for advise on coping with disasters. It led to a multi-part series on my blog. Go to Storytelling + Research series on disaster -- the blog format puts everything in reverse order unfortunately and the first thing you'll see is a much later article on libraries coping with "Superstorm Sandy." To make sense of it, go to the bottom of the series and work your way backwards through it. By the way, a year later I was resolving to finish the paperwork, but there just was some -- books and clothing -- that I finally skipped for a variety of reasons.

Life starts all over after disaster. If any of my thoughts in the wake of my own lesser disaster can help you, Phil, it will be worth my offering it and your taking whatever might work for you.

As others said, I'm so sorry for you and hope things start to improve even if it feels like too little.

11 years ago
2,321 posts

I'm so sorry to hear this Phil- how awful for you and your family. Just doesn't seem fair!

As others have said, the only good thing is that none of your family was hurt or lost, your doggies included.

Perhaps the fire dept can help you get some instruments out if they were in cases. If you do find any frozen cases, be sure to let them slowly come to room temperature for several hours BEFORE you open them, as it's a rapid change in temp that damages more than the freezing when you open a case that's been frozen and suddenly expose the instrument to warm air or vice versa. We had a village resident here lose his house too in a fire a few months ago, and the fire dept helped him go in and recover some guitars in their cases which were salvaged.

I'm so sorry you are going through this difficult time.

We'll all be thinking of you Phil, and sending good wishes. Update us when you can.

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Kevin Messenger
Kevin Messenger
11 years ago
85 posts

Phil this is really sad news, Know that it is a blessing that you all are all right. If I can do anything let me know.

Patty from Virginia
Patty from Virginia
11 years ago
231 posts

Phil, the most important thing is that you all are okay and no loss of life. Things can be replaced. We've had several fires in my neighborhood. One too many if you ask me. I hate to see it. The insurance did come through and each of the houses got rebuilt...better than what they were before. Red Cross came in to help and so did my neighbors. I have to say I have a great bunch of neighbors. You'll get through this. I'll be keeping you and your family in my prayers.

Dusty Turtle
Dusty Turtle
11 years ago
1,793 posts

Sad news, Phil. Good luck and check in when you can.

Dusty T., Northern California
Site Moderator

As a musician, you have to keep one foot back in the past and one foot forward into the future.
-- Dizzy Gillespie
Ken Longfield
Ken Longfield
11 years ago
1,211 posts

Phil, this is very sad news. Do check in as you can and let us know what is happening. You have my deepest sympathy on your loss.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Rob N Lackey
Rob N Lackey
11 years ago
420 posts

Sorry, Phil. But y'all are ok and that means a lot!

Guy Babusek
Guy Babusek
11 years ago
96 posts
I'm do sorry, Phil!!! I'm glad you and the gigs are OK!!!
11 years ago
129 posts

Last night we lost our house, what way to start. We had an electric fire that started in the attic. The firemen told me last night it looked like it had smolder for several hours. We didn't know anything until it was already to late. Something woke us up and we kept hearing a popping sound. when we went in to the living room I knew what the sound was, it was coming from an outlet. smoke had started to feel the room. at that time we had no ideal we had a fire above our heads.

I called 911 and they where there I a very short time. all kinds of police, sheriff, state police, ambulance and three fire trucks. My heart felt thanks go out to all of them.

We where able to save our dogs, as of now they have a new home with my sister-in-law. I don't know yet if any of my musical instruments have survived or not they where in the case and gig bags all had been cover in water turned to ice. I hate to think of my poor Dulcimer being gone.mandolins,guitars. I don't know what I will do if any of them a ruined. I am already homeless I might need them to make mony playing on the street corner.

I going to go for now I will be back when I can we a staying with family for now.

updated by @phil: 08/03/23 02:07:51PM