"DERRIERE CHEZ NOUS" Epinette des Vosges

musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:02:33
Duration: 00:02:33
I'm playing this French traditional tune on my Epinette des Vosges, a traditional French musical instrument related to Hummels, Appalachian Dulcimers and other fretted zithers world wide. I made the noter I'm using out of one side of a wood and spring clothes pin. I sanded the rougher side smoother and rounded its edges to slide over the frets easier, but then I spent some time breaking it in, harding up the slide side and getting used to how much to push down.
What size strings are you using - (two melody strings and first drone tuned to high G, number two drone C and my wound string octave lower G.) - thanks. Are 'Epinette Des Vosges' usually played sounding high & with a noter? Are they ever played in D?
Wonderful, Gregg!
Thank you everyone for your interest in my epinette. It doesn't say anywhere I can see who made it, although its similar to Strumella's and others I've seen on YouTube the head stock and sound hole arraignment is slightly different. I have the two melody strings and first drone tuned to high G, number two drone C and my wound string octave lower G. My wife and I just finished playing with the "Ad Hoc Consort" at the "60th Anniversary Original Renaissance Faire" here in Southern California. This particular year our group lost its Drummer and I by default spent more time doing that job rather playing my Bowed Psaltery.
You got some good old fashioned beautiful dissonance going on here. Extry nice!
Wonderful Gregg!
A charming tune on a charming instrument. Thanks for sharing, Gregg.
Ah, Gregg, this is a delight to see & hear! Did you make the Epinette des Vosges?
(one side of a wood and spring clothes pin)
I did that also
What are you tune to?