Jan Potts


Location: Lexington, KY
Country: US

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Loch Lomond, played on a Dulciborn

Loch Lomond, played on a Dulciborn

style or instrument:

musician/member name: Jan Potts

streams: 116


A rough rendition of Loch Lomond to demonstrate how it sounds played on a Dulciborn.
Jan Potts
10/17/17 05:33:22PM @jan-potts:

Not late at all...it helps remind me of instruments I haven't played in a while!

This is the standard tuning of DAd.  It has a big full sound because it is a Dulciborn!

Thanks for your interest!

J. Andy Crandall
10/17/17 05:06:11PM @j-andy-crandall:

Better late than never, but I haven't been on the site for a while.  

Very nice playing - what was the tuning?

Jan Potts
02/27/17 04:26:16PM @jan-potts:

Thanks, Marg, Jeffrey, and Jennifer!  Maybe I should post this on an instrument that I play more often so you can hear the difference!

jeffrey charles foster
02/16/17 09:28:32PM @jeffrey-charles-foster:

nice playing Jan


02/16/17 01:56:06AM @marg:

Very nice, I like the sounds of the finger picking - beautiful.

    I have a Dulciborn but strum with a pick. I came up with a two tone pick for another dulcimer (leather on one side & a pick side), I have yet to see how it sounds with this instrument. 'Loch Lomond' would be a good piece to check it all out.


Jan Potts
02/15/17 09:36:03PM @jan-potts:

Thank you, David, Steven, Cynthia and Benjamin--glad you liked it.  I just figured out how to put something on here without going through Soundcloud, so may do it more often (Soundcloud limits your free minutes per year).  So if you have requests, let me know--ha!

Ben Barr Jr
02/14/17 06:28:29AM @benjamin-w-barr-jr:

Very beautifully played.

Cynthia Wigington
02/14/17 05:13:17AM @cynthia-wigington:

You're music is so healing Jan - thanks and keep it coming!

Steven Berger
02/14/17 05:01:01AM @steven-berger:

Sounds real nice, Jan!



David Preston
02/14/17 03:15:10AM @david-preston:

That was lovely. Played with feeling.

Jan Potts
02/14/17 03:00:47AM @jan-potts:

I'm playing a Dulciborn (a cross between a dulcimer and a Weissenborn brand lap slide guitar).  They generally have a lot of volume, although I fingerpick a lot, so that's not much of an issue.  If you're strumming with a pick, though, you may well be the loudest instrument in the room!  This, of course, is not a traditional dulcimer so it's not to everyone's taste, but it's fun to play and some of you wanted to know more about them.  Check out Christine Shoemaker's videos for a variety of songs and styles--she's a master at this!