Sprig of Thyme

musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:03:14
Duration: 00:03:14
17C English folk song. A young maid is led down the garden path by a lad. Thyme representing her virtue or virginity. One of several songs of that theme; "Let No Man Steal Your Thyme", "Bunch of Thyme". Played and sung to a McSpadden cherry "G" Ginger mountain dulcimer tuned to D#-A#-D#
That was lovely...! Excellent playing on the instrumental sections and your voice...divine!
gorgeous singing and playing as always Janene!!
I love these unusual songs that you find and it's amazing how well they suit your voice!
Take care
Thank you very much John. I've just listened to your uploaded tunes and really appreciate your accomplished and sophisticated approach to the dulcimer.
Beautifully sung and played, Janine.
Lexie and Terry, thanks for listening and I appreciate your comments.
Brian--looks like your passport is really getting a workout in 2016!! Have never been to Bermuda myself..sounds like lovely island breezes are ahead...
Philadelphia isn't too far from me, but in 2 weeks I'll be in Bermuda. Maybe we can catch up during one of your weekend jaunts. :)
Hi Janene,
As always, your beautiful voice just blew me away again. Beautiful song and beautiful playing.
Thank you for sharing.
Very beautiful, Janene it is nice to hear your lovely voice.
I'm going to be Coatsville, PA (near Philadelphia) for 3 nights in 2 weeks, anywhere near you?. Will be doing weekend RV jaunts probably into October as long as the weather holds
Hi Janene - loved it! :) When are we going to get together and play? The summer's flying by here...