Jim Fawcett


Location: Cowansburg, PA
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Duration: 00:01:48
I said that I picked up my dulcimer on Sunday, it was Saturday, at the Winter Jam in Fairmont, WV. just to set the record straight. Dulcimer tuned DAASpruce sound board and Walnut.
02/04/18 07:07:08AM @sam:

Really nice Jim. Dulcimer sounds great too!

Cindy Stammich
04/13/14 09:13:49PM @cindy-stammich:

Thank you for sharing that information Jim! I may have seen that somewhere, but sure didn't even think about it now. Funny how many things I don't know - but I am learning!Smile.gif

Jim Fawcett
04/13/14 07:26:57PM @jim-fawcett:

It was made for the noter drone style of playing, Cindy. It has staples for frets that only the melody string touches.

Cindy Stammich
04/13/14 06:46:08PM @cindy-stammich:

I like this song a lot! Your dulcimer has a wonderful sound! The noter-drone style certainly does it justice!


Jim Fawcett
12/01/13 08:31:58PM @jim-fawcett:

Thanks Fred... bagpipes, huh? Never would have thought of it that way. But that's a good thing. I like bag pipes.

Jim Fawcett
08/10/13 05:41:31AM @jim-fawcett:

Hey thanks, John. Understand you being kinda busy...hope everything is going well with you and your family.

John Henry
08/10/13 05:27:36AM @john-henry:

Thanks for pointing this out to me Jim, I was kinda busy when you first posted !!! I can only agree with all the previous comments. Looking and sounding good (and that applies to the dulcimer as well 3.gif )


Kevin Messenger
05/11/13 10:51:10PM @kevin-messenger:

Jim plays this dulcimer well, These guys make my work sound good. Thanks Wayne, I really liked making this one.

Jim Fawcett
05/11/13 08:34:45PM @jim-fawcett:

Thanks to you both. Wayne, love the sound of the Mawhee and agree that Kevin does a fine job. Andrea, so do I.

Jim Fawcett
03/04/13 08:26:12AM @jim-fawcett:

Thanks for the nice comment, James. That Mawhee do have a big voice...

I can get you the tab, no problem.

James Phillips
03/04/13 08:20:58AM @james-phillips:

Sweet sounding and sweet looking instrument. I may need to try to find a tab for this song and give it a shot and use your video as my guide, if you don't mind.

Jim Fawcett
02/25/13 04:06:13PM @jim-fawcett:

hey thanks Willie, glad ya like it.

Jim Fawcett
02/16/13 05:23:43PM @jim-fawcett:

Thanks Wendy......."Chim"....... I like it.113.gif

Macy Jayne
02/16/13 01:49:12PM @wendy-coons-karrasch:

Nice full sound, great playin Chim! That's south central PA Amish for Jim!

Kevin Messenger
02/12/13 08:17:22PM @kevin-messenger:

Robin, I had a feeling that the MawHee design could be reproduced in a larger instrument, and was pleased to find that it could. The Walnut and Spruceadded a warmer tone that the smaller instrument didn't have ,but, still produced a marked improvement in volume over a standard build. I think I will incorperate this design into many of my future builds.

Jim Fawcett
02/12/13 01:04:48PM @jim-fawcett:

Thanks a lot for the kind words, Dusty.

Dusty Turtle
02/12/13 11:39:08AM @dusty:

Jim, that's a great sounding instrument, and your playing is excellent. The dulcimer really has a bright tone, like church bells on Sunday morn. Nice job.

Jim Fawcett
02/12/13 11:03:30AM @jim-fawcett:

Yes it is longer version of his first Mawhee. I think the first one has a 25" VSL, where this one he made bigger for me has a 27" VSL. He's certainly has the gift of making things work out the way they should, and as a craftsman.

Robin Clark
02/12/13 10:58:10AM @robin-clark:

Thanks Jim,

I have to say that many modern builders try out all sorts of designs and formulas to try and make a dulcimer louder but the results often don't sound like dulcimers anymore Frown.gif -however it sounds like John Mawhee got it perfect in the late 1800s - a big voice that most certainly sounds like a dulcimer shouldGrin.gif Is that Kevin's slightly longer version for D,A,A tuning? All credit to him for spotting the potential of the original design and adjusting it.

Jim Fawcett
02/12/13 10:46:49AM @jim-fawcett:

Robin, it does indeed have a big voice to it, just used my digital camera to record it.

Kevin put in I think 7 sound posts. Three down each side at the three, seven, and ten frets and one in the center of it... pretty sure that's where he placed them.

Oh, and thanks for the comment.