Rob N Lackey


Location: Fairmont, WV
Country: US

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Waltzing Matilda

musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:03:36
Waltzing Matilda played finger style on a Keith Young spruce and walnut mountain dulcimer tuned DAd.
Lexie R Oakley
03/31/16 02:43:30PM @lexie-r-oakley:

Rob, I missed this and finally caught it, I really enjoyed hearing you play, you have brought the song out and it would seem to have honored our Aussie friends with a wonderful performance.

This is a song which sings to my heart cause, within the last several years my Mom told me she secretly wanted to name me "Matilda", but didn't ever say anything to the rest of the family. 

You have a beautiful style of playing loved it.

Rob N Lackey
03/31/16 06:46:32AM @rob-n-lackey:

Anne, thanks so much.  To have y'all from down under make such comments both humbles me and gives me a sense of accomplishment having folks "get" what I'm doing.

Sandy, I'm sure you'll play as well, or better.  Desire is a big part of it.


Sandy Taylor
03/30/16 09:12:07PM @sandy-taylor:

Oh, Rob, this was sooo beautiful, it brought tears to my eyes. You brought so much feeling into it...I only hope that someday I can play half as well.

Anne Bowman
01/26/16 07:44:40AM @anne-bowman:

Really enjoyed that. Another tick of Aussie approval from me too... Particularly those harmonics at the end...

As for Waltzing Matilda not being a waltz.... The 'Waltzing' in the title refers to the swagman carrying around and sleeping with his swag, (sleeping roll/blanket) which is the 'Matilda'...  Something that the swaggies slept with merited a feminine name (wishful thinking on those cold nights alone...)

John Keane
01/17/16 08:23:12AM @john-keane:

Rob, that was just wonderful!

Gail Webber
01/16/16 07:32:37PM @gail-webber:

Really nice, Rob!


Rob N Lackey
01/16/16 06:33:50PM @rob-n-lackey:

My goodness, Helen, now I need hats 2 sizes bigger than any I have now.   Seriously it's been one of my favorite songs for I don't know how long.  You don't know what it means to me to have someone who's not only from down under but is also a musician to say such things.  I'm blushing, swelled up with pride & humbled all at the same time.


Rob N Lackey
01/13/16 05:27:37PM @rob-n-lackey:

Thank you everyone for such kind comments.  I appreciate them greatly.  I'm having a hard time getting the tutorial video from my tablet to Youtube.  Hopefully I'll get 'er done tomorrow. 


Terry Wilson
01/13/16 02:07:37PM @terry-wilson:

Gold dog that was pretty Rob.  You give that dulcimer a sweet voice.  

You are a mighty fine mountain dulcimer player.  Indeed you are.

Ken Backer
01/12/16 06:41:55PM @ken-backer:

Very nice playing, Rob.  Dedicate this to our Aussie friend Helen.  The words to this are a definite Aussie vernacular and the "translation" and history of this song are most interesting.

Bob Reinsel
01/12/16 04:29:25PM @bob-reinsel:

Rob, cool.

Dusty Turtle
01/12/16 02:31:20PM @dusty:

This is really nice, Rob. You keep it both rhythmically and harmonically interesting.  clapper jive

Isn't it funny that Waltzing Matilda is not a waltz?  I guess that's OK. Spanish Fandango is neither Spanish nor a fandango.

Rob N Lackey
01/12/16 11:38:42AM @rob-n-lackey:

Thanks for y'all's too kind comments.  There will be a short (35 minute) tutorial video to accompany this, IF it will ever upload to Youtube  LOL. 

Oliver Ogden
01/12/16 10:25:04AM @oliver-ogden:

Nice sound. Rob, enjoyed it alot thanks

Jim Fawcett
01/12/16 07:38:53AM @jim-fawcett:

Nice going there, Rob. Sounds great.

Robin Thompson
01/12/16 07:36:33AM @robin-thompson:

Nicely played, Rob.  I love this old song. 

01/12/16 03:45:21AM @sam:

Had to come back. Rob, you were feelin' this tune. I could feel it too. Mighty nice pard. 

01/12/16 03:42:56AM @sam:

Not a bad job pickin' for an' ol' kintry boy. That Keith Young sounds GREAT!

Dan Goad
01/12/16 12:59:26AM @dan-goad:

Great job, Rob.  A tune from down under by a guy from out yonder.  LOL

Ben Barr Jr
01/11/16 08:42:57PM @benjamin-w-barr-jr:

Nice one Rob.