Rob N Lackey


Location: Fairmont, WV
Country: US

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Mountains of Pomeroy

musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:03:25
From the Green Mountain Songster, a different take on the Reynardine story (here called Reynaldine,) Played on a Keith Young dulcimer in DAA. Using a noter, not something I do all the time
05/14/18 10:44:31AM @elvensong:

Cutting your hair hasn't reduced the "strength" of your playing!  :D


Nicely done!

Ben Barr Jr
05/14/18 07:24:18AM @benjamin-w-barr-jr:

Good one Rob. 

Rob N Lackey
05/14/18 05:10:05AM @rob-n-lackey:

Patty, thanks and you're right: you need to get back here more!  You're missed.

Robin, I appreciate the kind comment.  Should I follow it up with "Banks of Ohio?"

Bob, thank you very much.  It is a nice tune and one I really like.  Fits well with the noter/drone too.

05/13/18 09:22:47PM @bob:

What a good performance- nice tune, playing and singing!!!

Robin Thompson
05/12/18 07:24:44PM @robin-thompson:

Nicely done, Rob.  Your voice fits this just right, too. 

Living in SEOhio, when I see Pomeroy, I think of the Meigs County county seat there on the mighty Ohio?

Patty from Virginia
03/17/18 10:39:00AM @patty-from-virginia:

Great!!! I love your new look!!! I've been away far too long.

Rob N Lackey
03/01/18 08:17:08AM @rob-n-lackey:

Terry, Jim.... thanks.  I've worked on this for a while, but didn't think about it as noter/drone until really recently.

Lisa.... Bless your heart.  One of the few times I've ever done anything "just right."  I bought that Young off an ebay seller who found it in her late father's closet.  Though I don't play it as much as I did when I first got it.  LOL re:my new look.  

02/28/18 10:24:34AM @strumelia:

Rob, this is just wonderful.  You play and sing it JUST RIGHT.  Keith Young would be soooo pleased to hear his dulcimer sing like this.  love     I LOVE it!


p.s. be careful, you'll have all the ladies on fotmd takin' a serious shine to you with your handsome new 'look'.  ...better get your musket ready, to ward them all off!  giggle

Terry Wilson
02/27/18 11:58:57AM @terry-wilson:

Rob, you nailed it.  Good performance. 

Jim Fawcett
02/26/18 08:43:35PM @jim-fawcett:

Very good, Rob. Another keeper.