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Mary Blane

Mary Blane

style or instrument: mid 1800s popular American song

musician/member name: Brian (fiddle) Lisa (banjo)

streams: 694

Robin Thompson
05/12/22 08:33:45AM @robin-thompson:

You two play this perfectly, Strumelia. 

07/02/15 01:48:00AM @marg:

A sad song, always interesting to know the history. Thank you

06/22/15 05:22:35PM @strumelia:

Thank you all- very kind.  fiddle

Robin Clark
06/22/15 05:16:28PM @robin-clark:

Oh that's just wonderfull love   Delightful playing - such a beautiful contrast in tone from the two instruments.  Lovely, really lovely.

Lynn austin
06/21/15 08:15:06PM @lynn-austin:

That was great Strumilia!!!!!....thanks for sharing the history on this tune...I wasn't familiar with it....

Greg Patterson
06/21/15 06:40:55PM @greg-patterson:

What a lovely time warp that was! music

Lexie R Oakley
06/21/15 05:54:54PM @lexie-r-oakley:

Fantastic, you and Brian play well together.clapper

I hope Brian is playing his new fiddle. Thanks for the history of the song.

Robin Thompson
06/21/15 05:21:29PM @robin-thompson:

You & Brian play this wonderfully!  Your play reflects the tone of the narrative itself (versus how Angeline the Baker is very often played as a happy-sounding tune).  

Before I die, I'd love to get to play some music with y'all!  :)

06/21/15 04:39:31PM @strumelia:

"M ary Blane " was one of America's most popular songs during the mid 1800s.  It's a sad story of a slave whose beloved wife Mary is cruelly sold to another master and he never sees her again.  Various versions of very sad lyrics- he later hears that she died of a fever, and mourns for her, singing how sweet and dear was his Mary Blane.

I learned to play it on the banjo from Thomas Briggs' 1855 banjo instructional book.  This is our instrumental version with Brian playing fiddle, and me on fretless reproduction minstrel era banjo.

This is the banjo I am playing here: