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Pretty Saro - penny whistle

musician/member name: Strumelia
Duration: 00:02:01
I'm practicing a tune from the American Appalachian ballad called Pretty Saro. I've been learning to play penny whistle..tin whistle..for two months now. As a beginner I have a long way to improve...but it's proving to be such an enjoyable journey!
I'm playing a Jerry Freeman tweaked Blackbird 'D' whistle.
11/19/16 12:26:03PM @strumelia:

Cynthia...even mid-range good quality pennywhistles are way cheaper than say lyres, ukes, or autoharps etc.   Just sayin'...  devil

Cynthia Wigington
11/19/16 09:20:49AM @cynthia-wigington:

Lisa you are doing great with that, and what a nice penny whistle. It sounds really really nice. No, no, no, not buying another instrument...I want one too though. And what a pretty setting with your beautiful orchid in the background.

10/28/16 10:58:22AM @strumelia:

Thank you so much my friends, your encouragement means a great deal to me.  gangnam1

10/28/16 03:56:16AM @macaodha:

You are well on the way, very well played.

10/26/16 05:29:35AM @sam:


Thank you all for your nice comments.  inlove

Thanks to Jeffrey for putting the thought in my head to make a new video. smile

Sam, Iris' porch version in that movie is actually my Saro 'gold standard'- it's spine tingling , isn't it?    So wow, thank you!  

I've put in many hours this past two months on the whistle, and I'm pleased with the slow steady progress I'm making.  When i started it, I could barely play Hot Cross Buns..and had little idea what i was doing.  As opposed to a couple of more difficult-to-play kinds of instruments I've struggled with over the years, the whistle seems to return immediate results --when I put the time and effort into it.  That's real inspiration to keep at it!

flute  hot

If sitting alone with eyes closed it is LITERALLY spine tingling. 

Jan Potts
10/25/16 12:40:33PM @jan-potts:

Lovely, Strumelia!  And--gracious!-- with all those embellishments, you really don't sound like a beginner!

10/25/16 10:46:18AM @strumelia:

Thank you all for your nice comments.  inlove

Thanks to Jeffrey for putting the thought in my head to make a new video. smile

Sam, Iris' porch version in that movie is actually my Saro 'gold standard'- it's spine tingling , isn't it?    So wow, thank you!  

I've put in many hours this past two months on the whistle, and I'm pleased with the slow steady progress I'm making.  When i started it, I could barely play Hot Cross Buns..and had little idea what i was doing.  As opposed to a couple of more difficult-to-play kinds of instruments I've struggled with over the years, the whistle seems to return immediate results --when I put the time and effort into it.  That's real inspiration to keep at it!

flute  hot

10/25/16 04:54:29AM @sam:

Strumelia, your rendition is every bit as haunting as Iris DeMent's singing it in Songcatcher. You've learned so well in such a short time. 

Lexie R Oakley
10/24/16 11:43:58AM @lexie-r-oakley:

Very nice, you are doing very well Lisa.

Mill Branch Dulcimores
10/24/16 01:31:08AM @mill-branch-dulcimores:

Sounds Like you're doing good! I always wanted to learn to play one of those.

Ben Barr Jr
10/23/16 10:10:35PM @benjamin-w-barr-jr:

Nice.  Not the easiest instrument to play.

10/23/16 09:55:13PM @strumelia:

Jeffrey, I too have a couple of instruments around the house that I have never managed to figure out very well.  shhh

Thank you, friends!

robert schuler
10/23/16 09:03:09PM @robert-schuler:

Your playing is wonderful... Thanks so much... Robert.

jeffrey charles foster
10/23/16 08:49:44PM @jeffrey-charles-foster:

ya know I have 2 penny whistles that I havent figured out yet and a native american flute too my dad made the flute for me