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Handsome Molly (2009, short clip)

musician/member name: Strumelia
Duration: 00:01:36
I found this old demo video from ten years ago. I think i was just quickly testing out a poor quality webcam, so I only sang one verse. I didn't even remember making this video, but when I came across it today while cleaning out my computer, I thought it was fun enough to toss up here. lol!
You can find my free dulcimer tab version for this great old traditional ballad, plus the full song lyrics on my dulcimer blog post if you would like to try singing and playing it in noter style on your mountain dulcimer, here:

The first verse, with chorus:

Wish I was in London,
Or some other seaport town;
I'd set my foot in a steamboat,
I'd sail the ocean 'round.

While sailing 'round the ocean,
While sailing 'round the sea,
I'd think of handsome Molly
Wherever she might be
Terry Wilson
11/13/19 03:50:16PM @terry-wilson:

Lisa, I just found your video.  Loved it.  It’s a grand you, and you only, in every way.  Smiled the whole video.  May have even giggled once.🤠

BJ Jordan
10/27/19 10:34:39AM @betty-bj-jordan:

I love it. Lovely style you have.



Dusty Turtle
10/11/19 03:48:26PM @dusty:

What a treat!  You play with a rare combination of precision and vigor. 

10/11/19 12:56:04PM @strumelia:


Love it ! I do wish you'd play and SING more often.

Sam, I wish I did too!  Unfortunately, work and life get in the way. I wish I had two extra days in every week, to only do the things I love to do.

I'm glad you are working on playing melodies!   :D


10/11/19 05:36:44AM @macaodha:

Great traditional sound to your playing and singing. Very nice.

10/11/19 03:56:51AM @sam:

Love it ! I do wish you'd play and SING more often. Early in my membership here, I found you and Brian doing 'Hell Up Coal Holler'. I copy that right leaning tilt you have. I can play better stretching out with my noter. I don't always do it, but if I'm trying really hard to capture a melody, I do. So, thank you! And yes that was a hint that I unabashedly threw out for that song again (Hell Up Coal Holler). 

10/10/19 08:08:02PM @irene:

loved it too.   and "that's it for now!"  and you scooting in your chair to turn off the video.   aloha, irene

John W. McKinstry
10/10/19 01:31:13PM @john-w-mckinstry:

Loved the beautiful simplicity and the blending of the two instruments.  


Ken Longfield
10/07/19 03:52:33PM @ken-longfield:

I enjoyed your demo Lisa. It certainly was worth sharing. I am glad you did.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

10/07/19 12:39:38PM @strumelia:

Many thanks for your nice comments, my friends.  sun

Gordon Hardy
10/07/19 11:18:41AM @gordon-hardy:

Thank you Lisa. It is great to hear you sing with your dulcimer accompaniment. Seems so few people sing when they play. Good stuff!

10/06/19 07:37:26PM @bob:

How fun is that! Nice tune, playing and singing, too!

Steven Berger
10/06/19 05:10:44PM @steven-berger:

Very nice, Strumelia!