


Location: New Tazewell, TN
Country: USA

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Dulcimore Dan Cox at HLDF 2015

musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:03:54
Simple Gifts on the Homer Ledford dulcimer #3.
Bill S
01/19/16 12:03:06PM @bill-s:

I enjoyed your lesson on the Ledford dulcimer, Dan.  Also, liked your playing of Simple Gifts.


Robin Thompson
11/26/15 09:33:46PM @robin-thompson:

Thank you for posting this, Dan!  I enjoyed learning about your Ledford and your play of it.  

09/10/15 11:25:17AM @strumelia:

Very nice, Dan!

Patty from Virginia
09/08/15 10:09:12PM @patty-from-virginia:

Thanks for giving us a bit of dulcimer history and a great tune!!!

Ken Backer
09/08/15 04:23:34PM @ken-backer:

Great to that old Ledford sing, Dan.  Nice playing.

Lexie R Oakley
09/08/15 12:56:16PM @lexie-r-oakley:

Fabulous Dan! Thank you on your work of keeping these old instruments alive and sharing their traditional songs with us. clap

John Keane
09/08/15 07:08:25AM @john-keane:

Great presentation, Dan!  It was great to see you again.

09/08/15 01:11:01AM @dan:

Thank you Teri West for your hard work!