Dusty Turtle


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We Three Kings

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Duration: 00:01:58
This version of "We Three Kings" is based on a lesson Stephen Seifert posted at the Dulcimer School. I am playing a lacewood Modern Mountain Dulcimer tuned DAd with a capo on the first fret, putting me in the keys of Em and G.For Stephen Seifert: http://stephenseifert.com/ For the Dulcimer School: http://dulcimerschool.com/ For Modern Mountain Dulcimers: http://www.modernmountaindulcimer.com/
Dusty Turtle
12/29/13 04:58:40PM @dusty:

Thanks for listening, Reda and Helen. I appreciate your commenting.

Dusty Turtle
12/21/13 12:30:14PM @dusty:

Thanks for listening, Kristi. Yes, everything I learn at the Dulcimer School I post there for feedback. In fact, it's because of Stephen's comments on my version of "Ashokan Farewell" that I've been working more on dynamics, playing certain sections softer or louder and varying tempo as well.

Dusty Turtle
12/20/13 04:10:13PM @dusty:

Why thank you, Benjamin and Brian.

Brian G.
12/20/13 02:58:03PM @brian-g:

Very nice Dusty!

Ben Barr Jr
12/19/13 10:25:19PM @benjamin-w-barr-jr:

Very nice.


Dusty Turtle
12/19/13 10:07:32PM @dusty:

Thanks, Patty. Since I'm playing solo and not singing, I get to play a little with the rhythm and even the melody a little bit.

Patty from Virginia
12/19/13 09:18:01PM @patty-from-virginia:

That has an interesting twist to it. I like it113.gif . Thanks for sharing DustySmile.gif

Dusty Turtle
12/19/13 08:20:42PM @dusty:

Thanks, John. You encouragement means a lot.

John Keane
12/19/13 08:02:21PM @john-keane:

Dusty, I think that you did a great job with this! Smile.gif

Dusty Turtle
12/19/13 07:56:38PM @dusty:

Carrie, Cheryl, Marion and Karen, thanks so much for listening. I've been trying to work on varying the dynamics more, something that comes more naturally to me fingerpicking than working with a flatpick. This was a kind of experiment. Thanks for the encouragement!

Karen Keane
12/19/13 06:24:45PM @karen-keane:
Great job Dusty. Great minds think alike. I have been working on a version of this as well. Great job!
Cheryl Johnson
12/19/13 05:06:08PM @cheryl-johnson:

Dusty...you funny! I have a zillion takes on most occasions...drives me nuts!

Fantastic job! I very much enjoyed this and your MMD sounds great.