I don't know how I missed this one, Janene, but I love it! Great singing and great picking. You really pull the beauty of the melody out of this song. Nice job!
Thanks all who have listened and taken a moment to comment (Taran included)
Tumbleweed: loom beaded bracelets are a recent discovery for me. I bought a couple at the gift shop at Carlsbad Caverns during a 5 week trip, and wore them during the trip and discovered I enjoyed the bit of color around my wrists...I'm not usually big on jewelry. When I returned I looked into LEARNING to make them but very quickly found vendors on Etsy and bought a bunch. A particular favorite are some contemporary patterned ones from a lady in Vail, CO. I may still knuckle down and learn. I do make simple leather bracelets with silver findings...and have a kiln for PMC but haven't begun in earnest. Maybe Friend me so we can message...I can ask you questions should I buy a loom??
Star of the Count Down is one of my favorite songs. You sing it so lovely. I enjoyed your video a lot. I also noticed your bracelet. Another love of mine is beading. I was wondering if you made the bracelet you are wearing. It too is lovely. Thanks for sharing.
Wonderful as always! It's odd, but you might have a voice double. We played a show with Wendy Songe last July and she performed this. Check out this link and go to the 12:33 mark. It's just a verse (it's a highlights video), but the similarity is uncanny. Y'all need to do a duet! http://mountaindulcimer.ning.com/video/highlights-from-naked-bean-cafe-july-2-2014
Thanks Dusty, glad you found it.
I don't know how I missed this one, Janene, but I love it! Great singing and great picking. You really pull the beauty of the melody out of this song. Nice job!
Thanks much Charley and Mandy. appreciate your comments.
I love it when you sing Janene! Loved it.
Thanks for listening and commenting jimbo, Oliverand Patty
It's apparent this is a well-known and loved song.
Very pretty Janene!!! You make that Ginger sing. Glad to know that it's okay to play the melody while singing. Thanks for sharing!!!
This song Star of the county down ,is one of my favorites.Our dulcimer group plays it all the time . thanks Janene I enjoyed it alot
Thank you Gail.
That was beautiful. I love this tune. Your playing and singing are lovely on this.
Beautiful as always, Janene. When a cat (Steff's) likes it, it just be good.
Thanks all who have listened and taken a moment to comment (Taran included)
Tumbleweed: loom beaded bracelets are a recent discovery for me. I bought a couple at the gift shop at Carlsbad Caverns during a 5 week trip, and wore them during the trip and discovered I enjoyed the bit of color around my wrists...I'm not usually big on jewelry. When I returned I looked into LEARNING to make them but very quickly found vendors on Etsy and bought a bunch. A particular favorite are some contemporary patterned ones from a lady in Vail, CO. I may still knuckle down and learn. I do make simple leather bracelets with silver findings...and have a kiln for PMC but haven't begun in earnest. Maybe Friend me so we can message...I can ask you questions should I buy a loom??
Hi Janene:
Star of the Count Down is one of my favorite songs. You sing it so lovely. I enjoyed your video a lot. I also noticed your bracelet. Another love of mine is beading. I was wondering if you made the bracelet you are wearing. It too is lovely. Thanks for sharing.
That was nice...I like the interpretation.
Very Beautiful Janene, love the story.
Wonderful as always! It's odd, but you might have a voice double. We played a show with Wendy Songe last July and she performed this. Check out this link and go to the 12:33 mark. It's just a verse (it's a highlights video), but the similarity is uncanny. Y'all need to do a duet!