Jim Fawcett


Location: Cowansburg, PA
Country: US

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Wildwood / Aura Lee (AKA, Love Me Tender)

musician/member name:
Duration: 00:01:13
A little but of Wild wood Flower and Aura Lee Tuned DAA Mawhee like dulcimer built by Kevin Messenger Wish the audio was a bit better. Must have been ok, tho...
Lexie R Oakley
11/20/14 07:56:41PM @lexie-r-oakley:

Jim, Love how you are singing to your bees.

I really like hearing you play, I am working on learning tunes, I have 4 I am learning and will be happy to get some more in my head.Grin.gif

Jim Fawcett
08/22/14 09:41:12AM @jim-fawcett:
I'd like to think so Sarah. Can't hurt to try.
Jim Fawcett
05/05/14 11:42:02AM @jim-fawcett:

That's what I had in mind, Maryann. 113.gif We shall see.

Cheryl Johnson
04/15/14 06:22:08AM @cheryl-johnson:

Beeee-you-ti-ful! Couldnt resist. 35.gif Love the sound, the tune and the playin!

Robin Thompson
04/13/14 11:28:58PM @robin-thompson:
Jim, do you love playing outdoors as much as I do? :) I want to hear more of that modified Mawhee design dulcimer!
robert schuler
04/11/14 11:12:43PM @robert-schuler:
So that's how you calm down the bees. BTW. You know what bees and dulcimers have in common ?... they both got drones.... Bob
Tom McDonald
04/11/14 09:30:37PM @tom-mcdonald:

Very nice, Jim.

Kevin Messenger
04/11/14 08:30:33PM @kevin-messenger:

Bee-utiful, pun intended. That sounded nice Jim.

Rob N Lackey
04/11/14 07:36:14PM @rob-n-lackey:

That was very good Jim. That instrument has a great sound! Just too short, Bro.

Jim Fawcett
04/11/14 07:16:34PM @jim-fawcett:

AWWWWW........ Good one John.24.gif 24.gif 24.gif

John Henry
04/11/14 07:14:09PM @john-henry:

Perhaps that accounts for the 'droning' sound to be heard in the background...........................?


John Keane
04/11/14 07:14:04PM @john-keane:

Nice job! Smile.gif

04/11/14 06:54:49PM @strumelia:

I think the bees really liked it.

Jim Fawcett
04/11/14 05:51:31PM @jim-fawcett:

The bees didn't pay me any mind at all. So everything was fine on that respect. Is there any other tuning than DAA? Thanks for all the positive remarks!

Frank Ross
04/11/14 05:06:37PM @frank-ross:

Nice Jim - bees didn't swarm you so they must have liked it also. Maybe your next tune should be "Flight of the Bumble Bee"

Dusty Turtle
04/11/14 01:30:13PM @dusty:

Your playing is creating quite a buzz, Jim!24.gif

Patty from Virginia
04/11/14 12:53:23PM @patty-from-virginia:

Jim, I liked it and I'm sure the bees do too. I'm just wondering if you need to set your camera a bit closer to your dulcimer and that would help with the volume. You may want to try an external mic/audio recorder nearby as you are doing your video and then match them up in Audacity. Just some ideasSmile.gif

Kevin Messenger
04/11/14 12:21:32PM @kevin-messenger:

Jim,I listened on my tablet but it didnt play the sound right I will have to try it when I get home.