Location: Bruceton Mills, WV
Country: US
Country: US
Playlists: 1
youtube videos: 1
images: 112
videos: 5
audio tracks: 2
I want to see too
I think I have decided to try ebonizing this one. I hane a solution staryed and it should be ready to work with soon. I will use two different solutions, a sol. Of vinegar and iron,and a tannin solution. We will see how it works.
Looking good!
Thanks Jim, I decided to string it up, just to see how it played. Very nice sound, lots of volume. I still don't know how I am going to finish it, I have no idea how Eli did it.
very nice indeed, Kevin.
Thanks Patty, Dan I am not sure what Eli used as there is little info. on him. I am thinking of doing a paint wash (sorta thinned down and used as a stain) then an oil finish over top. In the only picture I have of Eli's dulcimer it is finished very dark, He may have painted it black like the Prichard he used as his inspiration . We will see.
Kevin, looks like another good one
. I see what you're saying about the sound holes. I'm glad you stayed true to his pattern because I'm curious as to how it will sound.