Kevin Messenger


Location: Bruceton Mills, WV
Country: US

My Latest Followers:

Kevin R. Lorraine Salt Springs Mill Branch Dulcimores Dan Charles Thomas Volha Bob Reinsel Oliver Ogden Lexie R Oakley jeanne white Don Kemper Maxspop Jean Fawcett Will Mark Runge Ken Backer Lynn austin Frank Ross Stewart McCormick Scott Collier James Phillips Gail Webber Jerry Posner Terry Wilson Patty from Virginia robert schuler Rick Kennedy Ben Barr Jr Jan Potts Rob N Lackey David Bennett Richard Streib john p Dan Goad John C. Knopf william bell Bill S Dana R. McCall Ed Gaunt Ken Longfield nick o'sullivan John Henry Jim Fawcett Robin Thompson Strumelia


Playlists: 1
youtube videos: 1
images: 112
videos: 5
audio tracks: 2

Redwing\ on new Prichard build.

Redwing\ on new Prichard build.

style or instrument: Noter Drone

musician/member name: Kevin Messenger

streams: 151

Ken Backer
09/02/15 09:01:38AM @ken-backer:

Kevin, that was some fine playing on this old song.  And that dulcimer has a wonderful traditional sound.

Kevin Messenger
08/22/15 12:26:17PM @kevin-messenger:

Thanks Lexie, Richard yes it is the first JI Prichard. I hope many more to follow. 


Lexie R Oakley
08/22/15 10:29:18AM @lexie-r-oakley:

Great song Kevin, you play it very well, sounds fabulous. Great instrument Richard, you'll have a good time strummin' when it gets across the pond.

Kevin Messenger
08/22/15 09:54:25AM @kevin-messenger:

Thank you Richard,it will be going to the boat soon,LOL

Kevin Messenger
08/21/15 09:45:12PM @kevin-messenger:

Thanks Patty and Dan.  It one of my favorites too.


08/21/15 09:30:33PM @dan:

...and one of my favorite tunes, sound good Kevin!


Patty from Virginia
08/21/15 08:57:23PM @patty-from-virginia:

Kevin, sounds great!!!


Kevin Messenger
08/21/15 08:49:08PM @kevin-messenger:

Thanks Charles for the kind comments.

Charles Thomas
08/21/15 08:42:05PM @charles-thomas:

Kevin, That sounded great! I read in your profile " I am not a very good player, just ask my wife" , I don't have to ask your wife ,you are an outstanding player!

Kevin Messenger
08/21/15 07:35:29PM @kevin-messenger:

This is just a raw sound clip of the newest Prichard build. All Poplar ,and Just Inotated. I am tuned somewhere around DAA.  It should be ready now to ship to it's new owner.