

Location: Villingen Germany
Country: DE

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Galician dance DAD Capo 1.fret

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Duration: 00:00:56
I heard this tune played by Jack Walton on hurdy gurdy and transferred it to dulcimer.
Guy Babusek
02/13/14 04:36:42PM @guy-babusek:


Steve Battarbee
02/09/14 04:31:38AM @steve-battarbee:
Excellent and you have now inspired me to look into hurdy gurdymusic!That I can play noter style
Peter W.
02/09/14 04:12:44AM @peter-w:

I've heard and seen your recording before - and your "finger dancing" playing is still amazing for me! Thanks for leading our attention to songs like that (especially songs in minor tuning)!

Guy Babusek
02/08/14 10:47:55AM @guy-babusek:

Very nice.

02/08/14 10:35:58AM @luigi:

Thanks a lot. By the way: many hurdy gurdy and bagpipe tunes sound good when they are played on dulcimer. Its all drone music.

John Keane
02/08/14 10:11:46AM @john-keane:

Very nicely done!

02/08/14 09:36:38AM @luigi:

Hi Matteo,

Luigi is my pseudonym and artist name. Im German and cant speak more than around 10 italian words.

Patty from Virginia
02/08/14 09:22:26AM @patty-from-virginia:

Very nice!!!Smile.gif