

Location: Villingen Germany
Country: DE

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Laridé in DAC

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Duration: 00:01:28
Larid Dulcimer-tuning DAC Limperjackspectator in the Background
Peter W.
02/16/14 02:15:12PM @peter-w:

I think I have heard and commented that one on Youtube before, Luigi. Anyway: great playing - and on your own, handmade dulcimer! Congratulations! Smile.gif

02/16/14 09:46:10AM @luigi:

Hi Rob, thanks for the compliments about the sound of my dulcimer. It was the first one that I had built using real tonewood and bending the sides.

Rob N Lackey
02/15/14 08:37:08AM @rob-n-lackey:

Wow, Luigi, that was great. That instrument has a great sound; near perfect tone (at least the way I like to hear it.) You played that tune really well, too. Keep up the good work!

02/14/14 03:51:52AM @luigi:

The limberjack is the same as on my photo I have posted some days before.

02/14/14 03:10:33AM @luigi:

Thanks to all. Sorry, out of sync, because my computer hardware is to old. But the dulcimer and the player is older!

John Henry
02/13/14 06:13:44PM @john-henry:

Luigi! Thanks for posting this, heard it first in France many years ago, played it ever since, but never knew what it was called !


Gail Webber
02/13/14 05:26:37PM @gail-webber:

Very nice! I love DAC tuning.

Ben Barr Jr
02/13/14 05:15:49PM @benjamin-w-barr-jr:

Very good Luigi!Smile.gif Smile.gif

John Keane
02/13/14 05:11:47PM @john-keane:

Sounds great!

Brian G.
02/13/14 04:55:28PM @brian-g:
I love this tune and you played it very nicely. :)
Guy Babusek
02/13/14 04:35:38PM @guy-babusek:
Great sound!!!! Video looks like it may be out of sync, but you sure played it well!!!