Stereo Amp Setting for Dulcimer

musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:08:49
Duration: 00:08:49
description: | Dulcimer-Online | Stereo Amp Setup für Mountain Dulcimer mit Joyo MA-10B Electric Bass Amp und Boss Katana Mini. Effektgeräte Boss DD7 und GFI Specular Reverb. Stereo Amp Setup von Duo Dulcimus. McSpadden Dulcimer 4FHWS.
Martin Oesterle stellt sein aktuelles Stereo Amp Setup vor.
Martin Oesterle stellt sein aktuelles Stereo Amp Setup vor.
How far are you from Freiburg with your store?[I live in North America but have a friend in Freiburg] I I iooked for a Scheitholt when I was there but no one seemed to know what I was talking about...I already have 3 dulcimers chromatic,DaD and a Galax but the sheitholt,the epinette des that sound...any tips regarding where to find one?
Hello James,
The DulcimerShop is located in Ludwigsburg near Stuttgart. From Freiburg it is 200 kilometers. It takes 2 hours by car. At the moment, I have 2 peaks in the store. I present mainly Mountain Dulcimerm instruments and unfortunately have only 2 Scheitelte in the store. You are always welcome. You can write me an e-mail when you want to visit the store.
How far are you from Freiburg with your store?[I live in North America but have a friend in Freiburg]I I iooked for a Scheitholt when I was there but no one seemed to know what I was talking about...I already have 3 dulcimers chromatic,DaD and a Galax but the sheitholt,the epinette des that sound...any tips regarding where to find one?
That's sweet,Martin.It's giving me lots of ideas[I do have a great Schatten pickup on my Folkroots dulcimer],also a couple of ampifliers,effects far the dulcimer has been my acoustic refuge while I went out playing bars and concerts with electric guitar and fiddle ......
Here is a short video about my stereo amp setup.
It is in German so here are a few notes.
The video shows a simple and inexpensive stereo setup for the dulcimer. The amplifiers are pure battery amps. Both amps are very light and therefore easy to transport if you want to play music in the countryside.
The two amplifiers are controlled by an effects unit. It has to be a stereo effects unit so that there is one output for each amplifier.
You can hear the Boss DD7 Delay and the GFI Specular Reverb.
I am playing a Standard McSpadden Dulcimer (L.R. Baggs Pickup) made by Jim Woods. Great Instrument - I love it.
Enjoy watching the video.