Robin Clark


Location: Tywyn, Gwynedd, Wales
Country: GB

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Charles Prichard Reproduction Dulcimer - 15 Nov 12.wmv

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Duration: 00:07:12
C.N Prichard dulcimer repro built by Kevin Messenger, WV. Kevin has done a wonderful job of producing this reproduction of a Prichard dulcimer from the lat...
Rob N Lackey
11/16/12 05:36:48PM @rob-n-lackey:

John Henry, I'm certainly sorry about your fall, and I'm not surprised that not a note was missed from John S and Geoff B. Glad the fiddle edges proved to be practical. I'm a sucker for them on dulcimers!

John Henry
11/16/12 05:11:04PM @john-henry:

Dana, Carrie ! thanks for the thoughts ! Should you backtrack a few of my vids you may notice that I was playing for a while with my wrist strapped up, and I had bruises of the most fantastic colouration, ranging thro' poplar, osage, purpleheart, to ebony in all sorts of places (private viewings were available ! 3.gif ) When the incident occurred I went straight into the house, boiled a kettle, steam heated the bowl of a spoon and with a damp tea towel was able to almost completly lose the really deep indentations in the fiddle overhangs of top and back 18.gif , they can be seen if looked for, but the sharp arris of the concrete pond surround could have inflicted a lot more damage were it not for those overhangs 63.gif !

(such is the dedication to their music, neither JohnS or GeoffB missed a note thoughout the occurrance 15.gif !!!)



Dana R. McCall
11/16/12 01:29:15PM @dana-r-mccall:

Just glad you only got bumps and bruises. No broke bones, and glad the dulcimer didn't suffer to bad.

Robin Clark
11/16/12 11:10:10AM @robin-clark:

You didn't end up doing backstroke in the pond then?

John Henry
11/16/12 11:04:04AM @john-henry:

Absolutely sure of it John!!! and for the rest of you, NO!, I had not been drinking. Seeing as 'ow we are in correction mode, I sat on a garden chair, the legs of which started to sink into the ground pitching me toward the concrete rim of a garden pond, yes, the dulcimer took priority and I had some lovely bruises to prove it!


Robin Clark
11/16/12 10:38:15AM @robin-clark:

No 't' - Ahh! I've just correct the spelling - thanks!

John Shaw
11/16/12 10:13:22AM @john-shaw:

Congratulations, Robin. Great presentation, and great sound and playing. One extra interesting thing about fiddle edges: as well as looking beautiful, they can be quite protective of the instrument. I hope John Henry doesn't mind me saying that a few months ago he and one of his dulcimers had an awkward trip and fall in his son Paul's garden. The fiddle edge took the brunt of the impact against a hard surface, and took something of a dent. John is absolutely sure that without a fiddle edge the side/rib of the dulcimer would have suffered significant damage.

Just putting my pedant's hat on for a moment: there is no 't' in Charles Prichard's name!

Rick Kennedy
11/15/12 11:51:14PM @rick-kennedy:

Another excellent and informative video--thanks for posting!Grin.gif

Patty from Virginia
11/15/12 08:24:50PM @patty-from-virginia:

Robin, I enjoyed your commentary on the Prichard dulcimer. I'm sure Major C.N. Prichard would have been pleased. I love to hear the sound of that dulcimer. I think there are a few of us who would love to hear you play a WV tuneGrin.gif

Robin Clark
11/15/12 08:06:08PM @robin-clark:

Thank you all for your comments.

I hope that I gave a flavour of the Pritchard dulcimer in the video. It does have a very differnt sound to a Thomas dulcimer and is a long way removed from contemporary instruments.

The tuning I used was 1-5-5. I tuned the dulcimer without a tuner, just using the string tension as a guide, and the instrumentis naturally comfortable around thekey of D with those piano wires. The dulcimer has a surprisingly deep growlSmile.gif

John Henry
11/15/12 06:35:22PM @john-henry:

Enjoyed that Robin, it covered just about everything ! I too an a firm devotee of fiddle edges, gives something to grip when picking it up if nothing else, and back in the 1990's I made a few dulcimers with what might be seen as 'sloping shoulders', just liked the look of 'em (used one such for that last video of mine?)


Ken Longfield
11/15/12 06:22:44PM @ken-longfield:

Wonderful documentary of the Prichard reproduction. Great playing. Thanks for making this and sharing it with us.

John Keane
11/15/12 06:06:09PM @john-keane:

Great playing and tons of information...nice job!

Cheryl Johnson
11/15/12 05:51:34PM @cheryl-johnson:

Robin....wonderful, informative presentation. And I can't help but love the way you pronounce make it sound so much more elegant than the American-English version!!! Your Pritchard sounds has such a big sound....deep. Sounds like 1-5-5?

Rob N Lackey
11/15/12 05:46:54PM @rob-n-lackey:

Excellent presentation, Robin! I believe you touched on all the features which make the instrument unique. Angeline sounded really good too. Were you in a 1-5-5 tuning?

Bill Hall
11/15/12 03:25:09PM @bill-hall:
Excellent piece. Really enjoyed the history lesson and your fine playing.