Robin Thompson


Location: in the Appalachian foothills of southeastern Ohio
Country: US

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Instructional Video Terms: Galax and Bagpipe

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Duration: 00:06:25
I attempt to give an overview of the terms Galax & Bagpipe as they're used in the mountain dulcimer world. :)my Galax tuning - dddmy Bagpipe tuning - DddWhen demonstrating how you can play in two keys without re-tuning, I'm playing the first snippet in the key of D and the second in the key of G.When demonstrating the false nut/reverse capo (by slipping it under the two drone strings at the first fret) I'm playing in the key of E minor.To visit the group Galax Dulcimer Lovers at Friends of the Mountain Dulcimer, go here:
Robin Thompson
05/10/19 05:14:01PM @robin-thompson:

@Strumelia I had to get on my computer to watch this to find out what I said.  :) I hope it clarified a term or two!  

05/10/19 01:08:31PM @strumelia:

This video is a real treasure, Robin!

As Dusty said, I too wish I had seen a video like this 15 years ago while I was still struggling with some of these tunings.   Well done!!

Robin Thompson
05/09/19 04:56:06PM @robin-thompson:

@Irene Sadly, I will not be at Berea.  Family responsibilities are keeping me close to home.  Wish I could be there to meet you! 

@Dusty-Turtle I have a great piece on Omie Wise in an old issue of The Old-Time Herald.  If you'd like it, drop me a line. 

Thanks, friends! 

05/09/19 04:45:46PM @irene:

Gonna watch this great video again!!  THANKS MUCHLY.  Would you by any chance be going to the Berea, Kentucky gathering?   aloha, irene

Dusty Turtle
03/22/19 07:43:01PM @dusty:

I wish I had seen this video years ago. It would have cleared up so much confusion for me.

I was just reading that Omie Wise is sometimes considered the first uniquely American murder ballad. Most of the others have origins in Britain.

Robin Thompson
02/01/15 08:00:56PM @robin-thompson:
Lexie R Oakley
02/01/15 07:55:03PM @lexie-r-oakley:

Robin, although I am doing better with timing playing with a pick, I still have trouble changing frets as my right hand is struming. I have quills and will fix one up to practise too...I will keep on trying and one day I will be sending you a post. And you gotta know I keep going back to your videos and other's to watch and practise and folks are so much fun, playing is fun to learn and I will keep smiling and struming!

Thanks so much for your help!Grin.gif

Robin Thompson
02/01/15 07:48:09PM @robin-thompson:
Lexie, just pretend you're whiskIng eggs with the quill!Even though I make mistakes, I really enjoy playing lap dulcimer. And that's what I hope comes through. :)
Lexie R Oakley
02/01/15 07:39:10PM @lexie-r-oakley:

Robin, love your big TMB and I think you are very helpful and clear. Seems you talked in simple terms and demonstrated everything very well.

I really appreciate all you do for us new people, now if I can only learn how to whip my strings with a quill and play a fiddle tune....whoo boy, I will keep trying cause I really enjoy learning about this instrument.

You are fantastic, thanksGrin.gif

Robin Thompson
02/01/15 07:22:01PM @robin-thompson:

Lexie, I hope the information was of benefit! I am not any sort of expert yet I know some terminology can be confusing and wished to help clear up any confusion. There's other information about using a false nut out there-- I'm thinking both Robin Clark and Flint Hill have information available here at FOTMD.

Lexie R Oakley
02/01/15 01:11:11PM @lexie-r-oakley:
Hi Robin, thank you for your very well done lesson. I am getting ready for another new dulcimer and it will be Galax or Bagpipe tunning. So I will want to play with them some. I like the information about the reverse capo, false nut I will learn to use this.
Robin Thompson
01/01/13 09:51:10AM @robin-thompson:

Christopher, I'm glad the video was helpful! There are different "home base" tunings for the mountain dulcimer and Galax & bagpipe are a couple of them. (My usual "home base" tuning on several of my instruments is DAA.) Happy '13 to you!

Karen Keane
03/13/12 07:57:35PM @karen-keane:

Thanks for posting this, I learned a few things and I enjoyed it very much. Thanks.Grin.gif

Robin Thompson
03/13/12 11:41:49AM @robin-thompson:

Thanks, John K! If any of what I say makes sense to folks, then it's accomplished its purpose. :)

John Keane
03/12/12 07:40:19PM @john-keane:

Well done with a bunch of info...much appreciated!

Robin Thompson
03/12/12 05:45:02PM @robin-thompson:

John, Be warned: I'm already thinking about my "False nut/Reverse capo" video. :)

John Henry
03/12/12 04:22:19PM @john-henry:

Really good that you found time to outline things so simply Robin, the basics are so often overlooked, or assumed 'known' by some tutors?


Robin Thompson
03/12/12 11:16:45AM @robin-thompson:

Thanks! I hope the information is of benefit, friends!

Just to show that one doesn't have to have an intellectual grasp of all things musical to make music: A friend had to tell me what key I was in when using that false nut at fret 1 when in Galax tuning. Thanks to Strumelia and my fellow moderators for their help & guidance! Smile.gif

03/12/12 06:36:53AM @sam:

Dear Robin;

Thank you! Thank you! Your time, effort and information are most appreciated.

03/12/12 12:33:11AM @phil:

very informative thank you would mind see a video on the capo or false nut.