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Froggie the limberjack dancing to Do Mr. Boker Do, on banjo

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Duration: 00:02:13
This is Froggie the limberjack (also known as a jig doll). Froggie used to be plain unfinished wood, but I painted him to give him more personality. I imagine he is now fit to go courtin' Miss Mousie. Children love how Froggie's googly eyes spin round and round! Here I make him dance to an old minstrel song that I'm playing on my banjo, called Do Mr. Boker Do. I got the song directly from Phil Rice's banjo tutor book of 1858, playing it here as an instrumental. There are few things in music more fun than a dancing limber jack!
Rob N Lackey
10/21/12 07:35:56AM @rob-n-lackey:

That was great, Lisa. You're certainly one of the best I've ever seen use those things.

10/21/12 05:36:15AM @sam:

"There are few things in music more fun than a dancing limber jack!"

One might be sharing that magic with friends.

Thanx Lisa

10/21/12 12:44:29AM @strumelia:

Dusty, yes, I cover all my limberjack tap boards with a couple layers of fabric....makes for a nicer slightly mellower sound, particularly considerate in old-time sessions.

Dusty Turtle
10/20/12 09:55:17PM @dusty:

Pretty darn cool. Froggie makes my plain unfinished wood limberjack look too vanilla. I do have a dog one, though, which my daughter loves. No googly eyes on him. Did you put some kind of covering on the dancing board?

Patty from Virginia
10/20/12 09:06:55PM @patty-from-virginia:

I love it!!!Smile.gif I got to get me one. We should have had a toad limberjack for Wartz and All,LOLGrin.gif

Karen Keane
10/20/12 05:12:06PM @karen-keane:

Too cute!!

John Henry
10/20/12 04:47:55PM @john-henry:

Takes me back to when I used to strut my stuff at our Rugby club dances (given sufficient suitable lubrication36.gif !)

Happy days! Thanks for posting Strumelia !


Cheryl Johnson
10/20/12 04:38:48PM @cheryl-johnson:

I'm in love with a FROG with googly eyes! Don't tell anyone....

So cute!!!!

John Keane
10/20/12 04:15:38PM @john-keane:

Cute as can be! Grin.gif