Charles Thomas


Location: El Paso, TX
Country: US

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Sarah-from-TN Davesterino Diane R Elvensong Ariane Selah PapaSims Don Grundy Joyoussinger Mary MacGowan Mariainct DianeL hugssandi Repp sleepingangel dulcinina Salt Springs Mill Branch Dulcimores Sheryl St. Clare Cat Brown David Pedersen Bob Reinsel Stephanie Muschlitz Lexie R Oakley Cynthia Wigington jeffrey charles foster John W. McKinstry Christine Shoemaker Ken Backer Lynn austin Steven Berger Mike Thurman Nigel Pennick Gail Webber Cindy Stammich Gordon Hardy Kevin Messenger Terry Wilson Pine robert schuler Joy W. Ben Barr Jr Jan Potts Rob N Lackey Paula Brawdy john p Dan Goad Sam Mark Gilston Dusty Turtle


Playlists: 1
youtube videos: 34
images: 3
audio tracks: 51

Why Won't It Rain?

Why Won't It Rain?

style or instrument: Dulcimer

musician/member name: Charles Thomas

streams: 43

Lynn austin
06/21/15 08:24:07PM @lynn-austin:

Charles that was absolutely beautiful!!!!!!! sounds like a true desperate plea for rain!....


Charles Thomas
06/21/15 05:52:50PM @charles-thomas:

Tuning is Dgd

Cynthia Wigington
06/21/15 05:10:40PM @cynthia-wigington:

Meant to ask, how are you tuned?


Cynthia Wigington
06/21/15 05:09:57PM @cynthia-wigington:

Charles this is fabulous and sounds like why doesn't it rain. It's been end of days raining every other day here in Vermont and as green as Ireland. I love your playing nice to hear lots of noter players lately. I think I'm going to start writing my own songs too. You're a real inspiration.

Charles Thomas
06/19/15 11:01:03PM @charles-thomas:

Thanks! I live in the high desert near El Paso Tx. , we only get about 3-5 inches of rain a year. I grew up near Pittsburgh Pa.,so I realy miss the rain. When it does rain here the creosote bushes give off a wonderful fresh scent that can be smelled for miles as the storm approaches.

Dusty Turtle
06/19/15 10:44:06PM @dusty:

Good question. Are things as dry in Texas as they are in California?  I'm only allowed to water my lawn on Tuesdays and Saturdays.


Nice playing!