Play Music On The Porch Day 2019

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
2 months ago
1,457 posts

@robert-schuler I'm glad you found time for playing Kesh Jig on the porch!  

robert schuler
robert schuler
2 months ago
254 posts

Hope you all had a good porch picking. Although I spent most of the day  corn picking I did find time for a tune on my porch. Each year I  choose a tune to mark the day, this year it's Kesh Jig. It's a very simple tune that's fun to play...Robert 

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
2 months ago
1,457 posts

We have internet disruptions frequently due to, I think, extreme heat/demand on the power grid.  Our plan is loose:  make music, record it some way on whatever day works, and put it on the internet.  

Happy strumming, friends! 

2 months ago
305 posts

Robin Thompson:

The 2024 edition of worldwide Play Music On The Porch Day is Saturday 31 August!  Make music where you can when you can, friends!  (Not everyone can go outdoors to play nor is everyone available on the actual stated date.) 

Glad you brought it up! This year is slipping by far too fast I almost let it blow past me!

Dusty Turtle
Dusty Turtle
2 months ago
1,764 posts

Unfortunately, I'll be traveling this year, but I'll come up with some way to mark the day and share some music.

Dusty T., Northern California
Site Moderator

As a musician, you have to keep one foot back in the past and one foot forward into the future.
-- Dizzy Gillespie
Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
2 months ago
1,457 posts

The 2024 edition of worldwide Play Music On The Porch Day is Saturday 31 August!  Make music where you can when you can, friends!  (Not everyone can go outdoors to play nor is everyone available on the actual stated date.) 

last year
68 posts

I just love this thread and the people who make it as it is.

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
last year
1,457 posts

Where are the bagpipes then?  grphug

@shanonmilan I had a music friend who was a very good mountain dulcimer player yet her mother didn't like hearing her play it.  There's just no accounting for taste, it seems.  

last year
2,302 posts

Hey, i resemble that remark, Dusty!  duck banjo

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Dusty Turtle
Dusty Turtle
last year
1,764 posts

@shanonmilan, try playing the banjo on your porch.  That will have the neighbors begging you to play the concertina! laughlaugh

Dusty T., Northern California
Site Moderator

As a musician, you have to keep one foot back in the past and one foot forward into the future.
-- Dizzy Gillespie
last year
68 posts

I like to play concertina on the porch but my neighbor seems to hate me when I do so. Can someone explain why.

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
5 years ago
1,457 posts

@don-grundy Hey, a bench counts!  

Don Grundy
Don Grundy
5 years ago
188 posts
We played on the bench.
Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
5 years ago
1,457 posts

@dulcinina & @marg Your time making music with friends sounds wonderful! 

5 years ago
616 posts

I had a few players from our group over and we played at sunset, made for a beautiful evening - music and friends

5 years ago
87 posts

My friend, Gail, and I played our cantars on my porch.  We also played dulcimer for about 1 1/2 hours but somehow our photographer (my husband) didn't get pictures of that.  Last year we played on her porch.  We had so much fun. Nina aka Dulcinina

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
5 years ago
1,457 posts

Hey, @lisavb & @ken-hulme So good y'all were able to be out to celebrate the music holiday!  :)

Ken Hulme
Ken Hulme
5 years ago
2,154 posts

Played Music On The Beach -- no porch at our weekend retreat place on Sanibel island.  And darn few people.  You'd think there was a hurricane warning or something.  But Dorian was a very Minor impediment to a fabulous weekend of sun and Gulf waters.

Music On the Beach 2019.jpg


updated by @ken-hulme: 09/02/19 01:55:12PM
5 years ago
58 posts

Was a nice day, weatherwise, for PMOTPD here just east of Seattle.  I got out on the deck and went through all the music I have that I can even remotely play, then improvised for a bit.  Saved enough juice to jam with my parrot Waldo indoors a little later, before it was time to start dinner.  I had no idea this existed--fun excuse to get out there and play in the fresh air (while we still have nice weather)!

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
5 years ago
1,457 posts

@hugssandi I was unable to play the video here yet I saw it from fb-- yay, girls!  The photos and vids from your day were a delight to see.  

Thanks, @Strumelia!  My highest aspiration as a player is to be a good porch player.  

I've enjoyed all the postings of PMOTPD!  

David Bennett
David Bennett
5 years ago
60 posts

Ballad Gal:

David, you do so much, and the video is a bonus!

Thanks. That is very kind of you.

5 years ago
244 posts

Here is a very short clip of Hazel and I doing  Werner Van Rillaer 's "The Artists".  It's the only vid I've been successful loading here so far, maybe because it's so short?  I fell head-over-heels for this song, and Werner was kind enough to message me a vid of his fingers playing and a pic of his handwritten lyrics.  love I tune by ear and really struggle to get into DAG, and there is a bit of buzz, but it's so worth the try.  This is my Teagan, a Wren by Feather Dulcimer, as well as my favorite!

I know the day is over, but I am still so enjoying reading what y'all did and seeing your pics and vids!!!!!  Keep 'em coming!

[edit by Strumelia: sorry Sandi but videos will not play as attachments, so I had to delete it. You'd need to post a link to the video somewhere online instead, and it can then play from here in a post.  Perhaps Hazel can help you with this?- I know she's smart about youtube video stuff... lol]

updated by @hugssandi: 09/02/19 11:15:07AM
Ken Longfield
Ken Longfield
5 years ago
1,148 posts

Thank you Ballad Gal. Here is a link in case you or anyone else is interested: 

Norulak Screen Printing


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song.

Ballad Gal
Ballad Gal
5 years ago
34 posts

David, you do so much, and the video is a bonus!

Ballad Gal
Ballad Gal
5 years ago
34 posts

Ken Longfield:

Here is my Play Music on the Porch Day Photo. I have one with me playing guitar as well.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."


Great shirt, Ken!

Ken Longfield
Ken Longfield
5 years ago
1,148 posts

Lisa, the pick is a new collar stay. It was never in a shirt. A local store had boxes of them for $3 for about 30 stays and collar extenders. The noter is the handle of a foam brush. I just cut off the foam when it was too hard to accept more paint.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
5 years ago
1,457 posts

@hugssandi What a happy late-August Christmas!  I loved seeing the photos and reading your summary of the day, a time to cherish, I imagine.  <3

5 years ago
244 posts

I'm pretty sure this day is my Christmas, and it did NOT disappoint again this year!  I put out there that our porch was open from 10AM-10PM, and this is what happened:  My husband kicked us off in the morning with a DJ set and some family line dancing.  In the afternoon a concertina showed up, followed by a singer/keyboardist.  Hazel and I also played violin/dulcimer.  An old neighbor showed up who always makes our toy Schoenhard piano sing.  Then a guitar/banjo player and his wife stopped by, followed by a couple who sang and played some spoons.  A couple more spectator came and listened for an hour, and then another singer.  At one point we had to put a bench by the van!  Lastly a friend and her daughter who plays flute and uke~she and Hazel played and sang us into the darkness.  OH SO GOOD!!!!!  

We had sweet tea and lemonade, salsa pinwheels, homemade chocolate chip cookies and brownies from my kids, watermelon, and cheese puffs.  OH so many pics to choose from!  LOL  There are more pics and vids on my fb album.

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updated by @hugssandi: 09/01/19 04:11:28PM
5 years ago
2,302 posts

I liked your video too, David... loved your elderly neighbor chuckling there at his own limberJill playing  giggle2

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
5 years ago
2,302 posts

Robin, you and mark do such a wonderful duet dance between your two instruments... terrific porch playing!

@ken-longfield , is that an old collar stay pick?... and a hollow reed noter?  hamster

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
5 years ago
1,457 posts

David, I enjoyed your video!  How cool your neighbor came to get in on the fun, too.  

Nice picture, Ken L!  

Kevin & Steven-- I like insect accompaniment!  :)

David Bennett
David Bennett
5 years ago
60 posts

Karen & I played on our porch for about 4 hours this morning. Here's a short video I made.

updated by @david-bennett: 08/31/19 07:18:00PM
Steven Berger
Steven Berger
5 years ago
143 posts

Great photo, Ken!.......No fire ants??!!! Kevin, you don't know what you're missing!whistle

Ken Longfield
Ken Longfield
5 years ago
1,148 posts

Here is my Play Music on the Porch Day Photo. I have one with me playing guitar as well.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."


IMG_3924.JPG  •  113KB

Kevin R.
Kevin R.
5 years ago
16 posts

I was playing outside too. A perfect day for it in these parts. I had fun too. Oh...I didn't have the Woodstock-like crowd of fire ants though. Just the accompaniment of locusts in the trees.

Steven Berger
Steven Berger
5 years ago
143 posts

So, armed with my trusty dulcimores and my voice, I proceeded in wowing the Woodstock-like crowd with several operatic arias sung with my classically trained baritone voice, and my virtuoso playing........then I woke up from this dream, went outside on my porch and wowed the Woodstock-like crowd of fire ants with my rather less than virtuoso playing, and a voice only a frog would love! Had a Blast!!!!!dulcimer music bug frog

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
5 years ago
1,457 posts

@ballad-gal I learned of it in 2016 on Facebook.  it's a great holiday! dulcimer

Ballad Gal
Ballad Gal
5 years ago
34 posts

Robin Thompson:

Mark your calendars, friends, for the last Saturday in August to join folks around the world heading outdoors (if possible) to make music!  


So, Robin, how & when did you first learn of Music On The Porch Day, or did you initiate the world wide movement?

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
5 years ago
1,457 posts

Have a great PMOTPD, friends! 

David Bennett
David Bennett
5 years ago
60 posts

Karen has snacks for our porch too!


5 years ago
244 posts

TODAY IS THE DAY!!!!!  We are up making snacks and drinks for our table...  And still kinda cleaning up...  And we are very excited!  

updated by @hugssandi: 08/31/19 12:22:30AM
Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
5 years ago
1,457 posts

@jill-geary Yes, noter on the patio-- perfect! 

I love seeing y'all's responses! 

5 years ago
87 posts

I'm having a dulcimer friend come over and we'll play on my screened in porch.  Last year we played on her's. I think this is just the best idea.  I love imagining people over the world playing outside, porch or no porch, and sending up music into the universe.

Hope Dorian isn't a problem for you Ken H.  Play something in that mode to ward it off.  Nina

5 years ago
244 posts

@jill-geary do it!  I have a teeny front porch and a very teeny, row house front yard.  I'm going to line it and my walk with chairs!  ~anything can happen~  dulcimer

Jill Geary
Jill Geary
5 years ago
27 posts

I don't have a porch a patio tho! I don't know if I have the nerve to play out front for people....maybe some fiddle tunes with a noter?

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
5 years ago
1,457 posts

Me & my band (Mark) are taking over our deck Saturday morning. inlove  haha

updated by @robin-thompson: 08/27/19 09:43:36PM
Ken Longfield
Ken Longfield
5 years ago
1,148 posts

I've invited folks to stop by anytime between 2 and 5 p.m. to play a tune fr two or more. I expect some group playing, some solos, and other combinations.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

5 years ago
13 posts
5 years ago
244 posts

@ken-hulme that sounds FANTASTIC!!!!

Ken Hulme
Ken Hulme
5 years ago
2,154 posts

I'm changing it to Play Music At The Beach Day. 
Don't have a porch. 
Going to Sanibel Island for Labor Day weekend, where there are miles and miles of white sand beaches.... and beach chairs.   If the Dorian Modal Tropical Storm doesn't blow us away, I'll be playing down by the water....

updated by @ken-hulme: 08/27/19 03:17:11PM
Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
5 years ago
1,457 posts

@marg Whiskey Before Breakfast has been a good go-to jam tune for me over the years. :) @robert-shuler listed some good ones, too.  

5 years ago
616 posts

I am hoping to get some players to come by but it's been so hot, may need to organize it for sunset. If there is a group, we should play several songs, any suggestions for a good porch or patio jam?


2Come Play Music.jpg
2Come Play Music.jpg  •  215KB

robert schuler
robert schuler
5 years ago
254 posts

This Saturday was the first pleasant Saturday all summer to play on my porch, so I got a head start. Only had a hour to spare but it was time well spent!. Cherokee shuffle, Over the waterfall, Seneca square dance, Boatman, Girl I left behind, Big Sioty, Saint Ann's reel. And some basic noodling, I love noodling...

5 years ago
244 posts

Still looking forward to it here!  really want to play Werner Van Rillaer's "The Artist", but I cannot, cannot figure out his DAG tuning.  It's the G melody string that doesn't sound right?  His sounds lower?  I always tune by ear from online....  LOL

Steven Berger
Steven Berger
5 years ago
143 posts

I'll be playing, but I live in the woods...nobody's gonna hear me 'cept the fire ants!bug bug bug tic

Salt Springs
Salt Springs
5 years ago
214 posts

I'm going to add that tune, "You Gotta Move" that Bobby Ratliff does.  I was going to cut under and around this tree and a storm came up so I decided to wait until Monday........


Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
5 years ago
1,457 posts

@dulcimerbill & @salt-springs-- wonderful!  Gonna be lots of music played around the front porch of the world on 31 August. 

:) Strumelia 

updated by @robin-thompson: 08/10/19 05:35:32PM
5 years ago
2,302 posts

Thanks for the timely reminder, Robin!  sun

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Salt Springs
Salt Springs
5 years ago
214 posts

Oh yes...........I'm planning on doing some tunes from, South of the Border and loud too!......Ahem! 

5 years ago
13 posts

Being just newbies, my wife and I are looking forward to Playing Music on the Porch. Our neighbors may not like it though! LOL

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
5 years ago
1,457 posts

Three weeks away, friends-- always the last Saturday in August! 



5 years ago
244 posts

Robin Thompson:


You and the kids sure do it up right, Sandi-- making it a special holiday!  <3




I sure hope we have another good turnout!!!  Last year blew my mind.  OH so FUN!!!!

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
5 years ago
1,457 posts



You and the kids sure do it up right, Sandi-- making it a special holiday!  <3


5 years ago
244 posts


Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
5 years ago
1,457 posts

@david-bennett I remember that video!  It's such a fun idea, I'm hoping to get somebody(s) to join Mark & me on the porch this year.  

David Bennett
David Bennett
5 years ago
60 posts

Thanks for the reminder. I've participated the last couple years, it's a lot of fun. Two years ago I even a few people from our dulcimer jam group join me, that got the neighbor's attention.

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
5 years ago
1,457 posts

Mark your calendars, friends, for the last Saturday in August to join folks around the world heading outdoors (if possible) to make music!  


updated by @robin-thompson: 10/27/19 12:02:25PM